Version 1.6.3 (January 19th 2022)
Version 1.6.3 (November 30th 2021)
- Date button on the chrono works again
- Changed chock and park brake logic for better compatibility with 3rd party addons
- Reduced wing flex induced by landing gear shocks
- Fixed the issue with the cabin disappearing when cockpit door open
- Manual engine start now uses both igniter channels
- CVR ground control is now reset on engine start as it should
- APPR PROC underline on status page now has the right length
- Improved list of inop systems for electrical bus failures
- Correction of GW indication logic on the SD
Version 1.6.2 (November 24th 2021)
Minor new features:
- ISI popup is now also scalable
- Electrical system now allows both batteries to feed the same bus simultaneously
- Electrical system now supports Battery charging test by switching them off and on.
- Added cargo heating simulation
- Added fuel temperature simulation
- Added IDG temperature simulation
- Rework of the SD COND, FUEL, and ELEC pages for better representational accuracy
- Added overflow management for the SD status page
- ISCS sliders now allow editing the values with keyboard for better precision
- Cargo fire extinguishing test is now operational
- Fault injections can now trigger on increasing or on decreasing values of altitude and air speed
- Added approach procedure on status page in case of alternate or direct mode reversion
- Added Backup Nav tuning to RMPs 1 and 2
- FCU lighting knobs below the FCU are now functional.
- New external lighting
- Addition of the smart thrust lever idle lock
- Simplified CHOCKS option to allow switching off the park brake
Bug fixes:
- ISCS text entry boxes now display a cursor
- ISCS dropdown lists are now constrained to remain within ISCS window
- FMA capability indication for GLS approach in manual flight is now CAT 1 (was AUTO LAND before)
- Correct runway course indication on arrival page to consider magnetic variation with the correct sign
- RNP value for non precision approaches does nto drop to 0 anymore, but correctly becomes 0.3 or 0.5 depending on the approach type.
- Changes to the Autosave algorithm to make it less susceptible to crashes.
- Made the fms plan loading function more robust to plans with invalid data
- Fixed excessive ground friction when landing with alternate braking or AntiSkid disabled
- DC BAT indication on SD ELEC Page becomes invalid, if both Batteries are selected off
- Generator is now cut off, as soon as the ENG fire push button is pressed, even if the engine is still running on the fuel in the line
- Fuel system crossfeed works correctly now, feeding equally from both tanks even when all pumps are on.
- When preselecting a heading on ground, the FCU heading window will initialize with the current heading
- Reduced IRS drift values by half for more realistic values
- Engine Fire lights now work on battery power to faciliate procedure completion on ground
- Corrected behaviour of FADEC ground power switches, they are now momentary switches that will power the FADEC for 5 minutes when depressed once.
- Made behaviour of CLR button XPDR panel more realisitc
- When selecting flaps 1 for landing, the Status page will now be called (As it should) if status is not normal
- When status paged called automatically, the STS key now lights up and can be used to remove the status page
- When Using Auto Brake to full stop, pressing pedals won't disengage it like is the case in real life
- Now properly converting fuel amounts from kgs to lbs on PERF pages when imperial units selected
- Miscellaneous FMGS fixes
- Fixed FBW roll angle limits
- Improved AP turn direction depending on FCU heading rotation knob
- Corrected altnernate law reversion and AP loss logics for elevator loss cases
- Fixed erroneous ECAM fault messages for center tank pumps
- Fixed ECAM action logics for dual pack faults
- Fixed Air conditioning sound loop in XP10
- VR manipulator improvements
Version 1.6.1 (May 5th 2021)
- Fixed the excessive CPU consumption of the Equitime point function (increases fps)
- Fixed ground spoiler activation logic when deploying reversers
- Improved the Dome lighting at night
- Fixed a flight plan caching issue leading to wrong airport identification at high latitudes
- When reloading a situation faults are now correctly reinstated or reset
- Added triple click when the V/S protection mode engages
- Fixed A/THR arming logic for OEI Go arounds
- Fixed issues with the fault injection logics, when the ISCS remains on the fault injection page
- Improved functionality of the fault injection datarefs
- Improved NavAid Autotuning.
- Improved EGT computations to consider random sensor offset and effect of bleed and electric power use
- Improved issue with route caching routine, including the option to turn off in flight cache updates
- Jump to waypoint now advances the chronos as well as x-planes time
Version 1.6 (April 26th 2021)
Major new features:
- Pilot item database allowing the creation and storage of custom waypoints, including associated page reconfigurations on DIR TO, FPLN, RAD NAV page etc.
- Bleed system upgrade to a quantitative bleed model affecting fuel consumption and take-off thrust
- Support for LDA, IGS, Localizer Backcourse and GLS approaches
- Complete rework of the PERF pages to add EO mode information as well as climb/descent predictions to a given altitude
- Rework of the PROG page to include EO mode information including indication of OEI gross ceiling and predictive GPS function
Minor new features:
- When flying the IAE engine, the EWD now properly supports revision to N1 Mode
- TO performance calculator also determines whether packs need to be ON or OFF for the take-off.
- Complete redo of the SD pages ENG, BLEED, PRESS, and F/CTL for better representational accuracy
- FPLN page rework: Constraints are now shown prior to filing the INIT B page.
- FPLN page additional information: The Final approach slope is now shown
- Improved the lateral-directional handling qualities in manual flight
- Changes to altitude and speed constraints of the active flight plan create TEMPY flight plan.
- Added RAT and outflow valve to the external 3d model
Bug fixes:
- Corrected PFD speed bug location during Go Around
- Prevented waypoint sequencing when flying in HDG mode in opposite direction of FMS path at current TO waypoint
- Fixed ILS indication location on PFD
- Improved AP vertical target tracking when flying with high Angles of Attack
- Fine tuning of the graphical representation in the EWD.
- Speed target for flap 3 landings is back to VAPP
- Waypoints can now be added at end of FPLN directly on the FPLN A page.
- Fixed issues with ground rolling and flap extension sounds
- Preventing engagement of both APs for a non-precision approach.
- Various small bug fixes
Version 1.0
Initial Release