Version 1.4.0 (December 6th 2024)
New features:
- The ISCS is now available in the EFB, once enabled by the user.
- MCDU improvements:
. CLR command is now indented in scratchpad as in real life
. DIR TO page prefills the RADIAL IN on the DIR TO page as required
- ECAM improvement package:
. Overspeed warning now triggers based on actual flap/slat position and not lever position (PFD barber pole is still lever position driven as in real life.)
. Removed duplication of system titles if the same system shows multiple subsequent rows of ECAM messages.
. Weight display logic for SD: Prior to engine start, the dashes are now cyan. Weights now only show after engine start, like in real life.
- FMGS improvement package:
. Added possibility to use Airport ICAO codes as waypoints
. Bug fixes for the path computation leading to an overall much stabler path computation in complex procedures.
. Empty flight plan shows as PPOS / Discon rather than just "End of flpn" and can be built up from there.
. VIA selection is now automatic, if there is exactly one VIA that matches the selected FINAL and STAR.
. Constraints of first waypoint in STAR are not dropped anymore.
- New failure modes:
. Slow and rapid decompression
. Added high lift failures, including loss of SFCC channels and slats/flaps lock
. Windshears with both Predictive and Reactive W/S detection and indication.
- Added simulation of trapped hydraulic fluid in asymmetric actuators such as landing gear or spoiler actuators.
- Added pitch influence to the RADALT value, so that the RADALT decreases when you pitch up (like IRL)
- Added limitation with filtering to the maximum number of waypoints shown on ND when WPT overlay selected.
- Quick starts for engine and APU are now available in the ISCS
- Mapped flight number to x-plane dataref "sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/flight_id" for third party plugin interfacing.
- Improved Master Warning flashing frequency.
- Terrain on ND drawing around the airport is now inhibited for areas of same elevation as the airport.
- The guard portion in the flap lever is now separately animated.
- Added CTR to inner tank transfer via AFT pumps if main ctr tank pumps are failed.
- Added selected heading value on ND, if in ARC mode, the heading bug is not visible.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug with the date on Wind and Flight plan data printouts
- Fixed the undesired transparency of the mirror on the cockpit rear wall
- Fixed deicing animation for the wings.
- Fixed issue with the interaction between the CLR button and the status page
- Fixed issue with status page overflow.
- The emergency generator now consumes hydraulic fluid.
- The emergency generator now cuts out when the slats are extended
- The magnetic variation model now updates for the current year.
- Fixed FMA alignment of armed modes and issue with empty boxes
- Extended the permissible value range for FCU speed window to 399kts and Mach 0.99 like in real life
- Extended the permissible value range for FCU altitude window to 49000ft like in real life
- Fixed the width of the green lights on the FCU.
- Fixed behaviour of the FCU HDG managed dot when a managed mode (NAV, LOC, APPR) is armed.
- Fixed shape of the ADF2 needle on the ND.
- Removed GS indication on ND, when the associated ADIRU is OFF or invalid.
- Made the deceleration when descending through the SPD LIM altitude smoother.
- ISI startup correction: QNH is also visible during ISI startup; moved QNH to right location.
- Removed CHG CODE field for other phases than PREFLIGHT or DONE.
- Improved string termination on MCDU string datarefs.
- Fixed an issue with SID route in alternate plan on first alternate plan programming.
- Fixed an issue with waypoints preceded by a discon where the outgoing leg is of the CI/CD/CR/CA or VI/VR/VD type.
- Fixed FMA indication for managed descent on profile with significantly too slow speed.
- Fixed issue with the beta target leading to excessive rudder deflection and spoiler extension on the wrong side.
- Corrected Ctr Tank gravity feed into inner tanks 2 and 3
- Improved landing gear compression at low weights
Version 1.3.1 (November 29th 2023)
- Fixed an issue with CTDs when printing documents with 80 chars in one line
- Fixed the missing Checklist.xml file to prevent crashing of the EFB
- Retuned the main panel textures and the sidestick textures
- Fading out of the engine buzzsaw sound at high altitudes is now present.
Version 1.3.0 (November 22nd 2023)
New features:
- Added In-cockpit printer
- Added new ground service vehicles: Cargo loading, animated deicing, Food trucks and passenger stairs
- New cockpit textures
- Added Radio Altimeter faults
- Added new hydraulic overheat model, including HYD ECAM rework as required.
- FADEC needs 2-3 seconds to power up
- Popout windows now remain visible in external view
- Added option to do Pilot Edge ATIS requests
- Added dependency on respective electrical busses for oil press indication validity
- Added Shed and Land Recovery information to SD ELEC pages.
- Improved bleed pressure at cruise
- Improved altitude alert logic (C chord and flashing frame)
- Simbrief wind upload should work again. (Note that it extracts the data from the wind data field, not from the flight plan itself.)
- Fixed managed speed profile in Go Around after acceleration altitude
- Removed armed NAV mode when performing a TO without FDs.
- Prevent overwriting of cruise waypoint wind data when reaching TOC or initiating S/Cs.
- improved go around engagement logic, to all GA engagement also in climb phase.
- Added 3s timeout when pressing the status page with status "NORMAL".
- Round metric FCU altitude on PFD to 10m
- Improved logic for C-chord and altitude frame pulsing
- Improved Flight Control Computer backup supply logics
Version 1.2.2 (January 18th 2023)
- Wx radar working again now
- Taxi Camera working again
- Improved issue with "Hoppie ID check" failed
- Added more syntax options for pre-departure clearance
- DCDU messages can now be removed if sending fails to allow clearing messages erroneously ending up on the DCDU.
- Fixed erroneous appearance of GPS PRIMARY LOST, when going into ATSU on on-side MCDU
- Enabled reverting to the FMGS mode on the MCDU by pressing any FMGS page keys (along as an FMGS available for the MCDU to connect to.)
- Improved A/THR engagement behaviour when loading an in-flight situation while on the ground with engines off
Version 1.2.1 (January 1st 2023)
Major new features:
- Added AOC functions for Pre-departure clearance and ATIS/METAR/TAF requests in the Hoppie network
- Adapted cockpit and cabin lighting to XP12.00 status
Minor new features:
- Adapted flight physics to XP12.00 status
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with the thrust information provided to the FMGS leading to erroneous climb profile prediction
- Prevent polling Hoppie when VHF3 is not set to data.
- Minor 3d model fixes
- Fixed anti-ice interaction with X-plane 12
Version 1.2 (November 21st 2022)
Major new features:
- EFB TO performance calculator for detailled TO performance calculation considering Anti Ice, Packs, etc.
- EFB LDG performance calculator including METAR retrieval (X-plane 11 and X-plane 12 built-in weather) for user-selectable airport
- EFB interactive checklist page with user-customizable checklists via xml files.
- CPDLC integration based on the Hoppie network
- Native M1 support on Mac OS.
Minor new features:
- Added icing model to our custom engine model
- Added option to always use the simbrief wind data for wind requests (independent of x-plane WX setting)
- Texture improvements
- Added pilot models in external view
Bug fixes:
- Fixed chocks logic for start with engines running
- Improved anti-ice operation in XP12
- Selecting an RNP value of 0.3NM or less with an RNAV approach will make it an RNP-AR approach
- Improved glide slope capture behaviour
- Improvements to Direct To function with abeam points
- Fixed decals on rear doors
- Fixed kink in passenger window frame on left side of mid fuselage
Version 1.1.3 (September 29th 2022)
- Enabled use of airports with new runway surface types in XP12 (e.g. KSFO, KLAX, KJFK etc)
- Fixed update of total payload weight when changing passengers via the IACP.
- Fixed an issue with resettable FCC faults.
- Reduced how much the fuselage seams show in XP12 with the default and Airbus house liveries
- Fixed issues with the particle effects
- Retuned FBW pitch law for XP12 flight physics
- Improved reverser response time after touch-down
- Adapted altimeter readings to new XP12 atmospheric model
- Improved A/THR speed hold parameters to reduce thrust oscillations in gusty conditions
- Fixed overlap between Approach indicator and TRUE label on ND
- Brought particle effects in XP11 back
Version 1.1.2 (September 5th 2022)
Minor new features:
- ECAM action processing reworked to include overflow management and correct order of clearing items
- Added Weight & Balance page to EFB (besides Avitab)
- Added Radio Navigation and transponder failures, including associated ECAM caution messages and PFD/ND flags
Bug fixes:
- Corrected the bulk cargo door animation
- Improvement of the engine_running flag for better interfacing with 3rd party addons.
- Syncing of the N2 value from our custom engine model for better interfacing with 3rd party addons.
- Improved SID/STAR scrolling on departure and arrival MCDU pages
Version 1.1.1 (August 9th 2022)
Available via the Skunkcraft updater
Minor new features:
- Cockpit texture retuning
- DDRMI now shows the flags for HDG and invalid bearings as needed
- Custom engine model writes to x-plane's native "engine running" dataref for improved compatibility with 3rd party addons
- Option to remove window reflections and scratches for those who do not like it
- Improved pushback truck
- Added fuel truck animations for slow refueling via IACP.
Bug fixes:
- Simbrief import now imports callsign instead of flight number
- Simbrief import now correctly imports waypoints on NAT tracks
- Destination airport elevation import with simbrief import fixed
- No more "seat motor" sound if the aircraft is actually off (motor not powered)
- No more shutdown of engines 1 and 2 when exiting replay
- Improved size of seat adjustment size to allow finding it more easily.
- IACP should now work in VR also
- the white pointer on the ALT 100/1000ft selector and the baro unit selector is back.
- Fixed the side window lever going through the EFB when opening the window.
Version 1.1 (June 20th 2022)
Major update
Major new features:
- XP12 adaptations (available after XP12 is released)
- Custom engine model for more realistic thrust and fuel flow values
- FMGS plan editing overhaul, enabling temporary flight plans also for the alternate plan
- Database holds are now available - Offset function now available
- ACARS functionality for direct download of Simbrief plans into the active or the secondary flight plan
- ACARS functionality to retrieve TO data for various runways of the departure airport
- ACARS functionality to retrieve wind data from simbrief flight plan and enter them in the flight plan.
- Cockpit 3d model rework, including improved switch geometry and moving cockpit seats/arm rests
- Cockpit side windows can now be opened. This will affect air conditioning simulation.
- Addition of new failure modes for a total of 249 different failure modes, these include now recoverable computer failures
- Implementation of all in-cockpit RESET switches (Airbus long range equivalent to in-cockpit circuit breakers)
Minor new features:
- VLS increases with speed brake deflection - Made the engine inlets smoother. (Refined grid)
- Added new engine failure modes: recoverable flame out, engine failure with damage, hot start,
- You can now put on the oxygen mask by removing it from its container
- Added (ETP) circle on ND to display the Equitime point
- Option to control internal and external volume levels via x-plane sliders or custom ISCS sliders
- Added Filtering and rate limiting for FMGS position for more realistic ND behavior on ADIRU init completion
- Open pax doors or cockpit windows now have an effect on the temperature in the adjacent zone
- Added option to always have the display brightness rotaries starting at the 80% position, even for cold and dark start
Bug fixes:
- Fixed rear fuselage geometry to incorporated sloped windows and cabin floor. Unfortunately this requires rework of all addon liveries with the latest paint kit.
- Corrected trigger condition for NW STRG INOP status message
- Allow regular gear extension with ADR2 data only
- Reenabled constraint editing directly on the FPLN A page
Version 1.0.3 (February 10th 2022)
Minor new features:
- Cargo fire extinguishing test is now operational (now for real)
- Added the Option to have NAV mode reengage automatically on Go Around initiation
- Updated engine model to allow "seeing through" the bypass channel as in real life
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue with sounds and particle effect after loading a situation with landing gear retracted
- Fixed dancing XPDR switch after pressing CLR twice
- Increase flap lever sound volume by 3dB
- MCDU CI entry is now range limited
- Inhibited the speed trend indication below 30kts IAS on ground
- Vertical FD guidance during TO rotation much smoother now
- Improved FMA indications for ALT CRZ capture and VS 0
- Improved behaviour of the ALT push button on FCU
- Improved default wing flex magnitude
- Engine sound volume readjustment
- Changed Radalt offset such that radalt reads 0 when first set of wheels touches
Version 1.0.2 (January 6th 2022)
Minor new features:
- Electrical system now features battery self test
- ISCS sliders now allow editing the values with keyboard for better precision
- Custom landing gear particle model
- Custom landing gear tire rotation model to allow individual speeds for the forward and aft wheels on the same bogey
- Cargo fire extinguishing test is now operational
- Fault injections can now trigger on increasing or on decreasing values of altitude and air speed
- Added flap animation and nose landing gear animation to taxi cam
- Added CVR self test
- Added chocks to keep aircraft in place at the gate
- Reworked cockpit, ground contact and engine sounds (with friendly support of Henrik Ku)
- Added animated hydraulic lines to landing gear
- Added animated RAT
Bug fixes:
- Resolved an issue with the brake fans
- DC BAT bus shows invalid data, if BAT1 and BAT2 are switched off
- When preselecting a heading on ground, the FCU heading window will initialize with the current heading
- Reduced IRS drift values by half for more realistic values
- Made behaviour of CLR button XPDR panel more realistic
- When selecting flaps 1 for landing, the Status page will now be called (As it should) if status is not normal
- When status paged called automatically, the STS key now lights up and can be used to remove the status page
- When Using Auto Brake to full stop, pressing pedals won't disengage it like is the case in real life
- Minor FMGS fixes
- Corrected locations of wing condensation emitters.
- Moved location of engine particle emitters further aft to better match engine location
- Fixed standby compass
- Corrected pack inhibition condition on ground with doors open (applies now only when engines are running)
- Fixed animation of spoiler 3 actuator on right wing
- Fixed flex temp range
- Fixed FBW roll angle limits
- Improved AP turn direction depending on FCU heading rotation knob
- FCU green button lights now respond to the ANN LT switch as they should (instead of the FCU background light rotary)
- SD Weight/CG on ground indication is now a function of the data entered on INIT B page, and will be replaced by FMGEC estimated weight in flight
- Retuned idle thrust for more accurate descent profile following
- Improved reliability of automatic pitch trim setting prior to take-off
- Increased ground cart pressure for better engine start performance
Version 1.0.1 (October 30th 2021)
Minor new features:
- Added a switch to inhibit the cabin object in all views to reduce VRAM usage on weaker machines
- Added a switch to inhibit only the inseat screens in the cabin without removing the entire cabin for performance optimization
- Sound volumes now respond to the x-plane sound setting sliders for internal and external sounds
- Improved engine fan modelling and engine textures
Bug fixes:
- Increased rolling drag to reduce maximum taxi speed achieved at idle
- Force fuselage model to use high resolution textures in the Hi Def model to avoid appearance of seams
- Replaced ALT mode armed with ALT CRZ mode armed when FCU is set to cruise alt
- Fixed switch animations on EVAC panel
- Reduced maximum step size when rotating FCU knobs
- Fixed ABV/BLW function of the TCAS system
- Retuned pitch take-off transition from ground to flight law
- Retuned flare law, including pitch compensation for ailerons going up on the ground
- Fixed a crash with Direct To Radial Out function
- Fixed an issue with the CI cruise speed
- Improved pitch warning callout conditions
- Improved braking action at low weight
- Fixed visibility of fast rotating fan blades through cabin windows
- Fixed normal map issue in standard def model leading to excessive reflections on cockpit side elements
- Fixed semi-transparent door sills on fuselage
- Fixed position of window plugs in center fuse
Version 1.0 (October 25th 2021)