September 21st 2022
- X-Plane 12 version now available (via X-Updater, beta box enabled)
v1.6.16 (March 5th 2021)
- removed async objects loading in attempt to fix some rare mysterious crashes
- fixed a few NML textures
v1.6.14 (March 2021)
- Fixed the TCA parkbrake command
- Adaptation to the new high-fps ToLiss routines for PFD and ND drawing
- Addition of the SOFT GA mode when retarding thrust levers to MCT immediately after initiating GA
- Improvements to the management of DIRECT TO RADIAL IN and RADIAL OUT functions
- Improvements to the drag model, engine climb performance and fuel burn.
- Fixed an issues that allowed entering a BARO and RADIO minimum simultaneously in the MFD
- Fixed an issue with the descent profile leading to unstable descent profile.
- Fix for Fuel and Load page bug
- fixed N2 and N3 values
- fixed a bug with radios
- fixed possible crash ND in plan mode
- improved ND plan mode centering
- improved startup