The Balearic Islands AIRTaxi Scenery Package includes 5 different Airports all around the Balearic Islands
- 1x Cala en Blanes, Menorca. 1x Porto Cristo, Mallorca. 1x Pollenca, Mallorca. 1x
Formentera, Spain. 1x Sant Carles, Ibiza
- All Airport have a pretty short runway of ca. 900-meters. Approaching these Airport can sometimes also be a tricky task!
- The Idea behind AIRTaxi is to create a Fictional AIRTaxi network to connect all of the 4 Islands together with Planes.
- Most of the time i use the Cirrus Vision Jet by Laminar Research. But the Beechcraft Baron B58 is also a very handy aircraft for these types of Operation.
- ICAO codes: Sant Carles, Ibiza. = LESS. Porto Cristo, Mallorca. = LEPC.Pollenca, Mallorca. = LEPN. Formentera, Spain. = LEFR. Cala en Blanes, Menorca. = LECB.
This is the first Payware package in the AIRTaxi Lineup by LFL Developments. Lago Maggiore AIRTaxi and Lofoten Islands AIRTaxi can be downloaded for free on the X-Plane Forums.- This AIRTaxi package has a lot more details and features
Scenery Features:
- High-Definition Airports
- Medium sized custom Terminals
- 4k Textures
- High attention to Details-
- 3D Native XPlane 12 Vegetation
- Very Performance light
- Parking lots with lots of Parked Cars
- Detailed Tarmac Textures with custom Patterns and Cracks-
- Taxi Line
- Native X-Pane 12 Ground Truck Traffic
- Airport service
- High quality ground Vehicles
- Ground Markings- Cargo area- Fueling station
- ATC Towers- Superior Night Lightning
- Water and Snow effects- Weather Effects- Custom ICAO Codes
- Optimized for X-Plane 12