- Changed All Displays Fonts to monospaced for better real-life match as well as rendering and scaling
- Many adjustments to flight model resulting in proper manual autopilot flight. No oscillations or wing rocking
- All switches now support new manipulators with Above/Below click for UP/DOWN movement and mouse wheel scroll
- Redesigned Tablet/EFB, all inputs can be now done from Solid tablet or Popup
- Added Sounds Adjustments Option
- Added APU blur and now exhaust from APU is visible
- Fixed APU shutting down after landing and taxiing
- Fixed Thrust Rating changing from CRZ to TO after setting thrust to Idle
- Added FMS Display ("banana" is now showing)
- Fixed behavior of the LIGHTING DSPL knob on lower pedestal
- TOD is now calculated and shown on VNAV Page
- Fixed Flight Director lagging
- Adjusted flight model eliminating overbanking after reaching selected heading
- Ability to switch to KG on Tablet Pop Up INFO Page now
- Adjusted Yoke travels both forward/back and handles rotation
- Adjusted Flight Model for near stall speeds
- Adjusted throttle settings for better taxiing without need to add excessive power
- XFR Button now functional
- Adjusted Throttles for much faster response
- Separated Vreference Speeds into Take Off and Landing Groups
- TOTAL FUEL WEIGHT on board field was added in Tablet/EFB
- Fixed GLD (Ground Lift Dumping) logic
- Fixed THRUST REVERSERS Switches animations
- SPOILERS Switch in now 3 Position Type
- Adjusted Ailerons Deflections
- Adjusted Bank Rate flying manually
- Adjusted excessive smoke by engines exhaust
- Adjusted slow roll rate making ailerons more responsive
- Fixed behavior of arming and disarming the GLD causing Spoiler to move
- Fixed Emergency Lights Switch now enabling AUTO position
- Seat Belts can be now switched to AUTO position
- Adjusted yoke travel to match real life one
- Fixed STAB Trim position (now 6.0) when starting from COLD AND DARK Option
- Fixed Spoilers logic causing them to be stuck at Max position
- Wind Direction arrow with corresponding data implemented
- Improved the logic of the FD (Flight Director) button
- Added Option for sliding Captain and FO Seats
- Added Option for raise and lower Captain and FO Seats arm rests
- Cockpit Glass Inside and Outside Tint Option implemented
- Cockpit Displays Reflections Option implemented
- Trim now set manually, not loaded with takeoff or landing speeds
- Improved interaction on all switches (different manipulator types)
- Added ability to move UP and DOWN cabin windows shades using mouse wheel scroll
- Fixed PFD1-NORM-EICAS knob programming causing plugin crash
- Retextured all pushbuttons on Left and Right Glareshield
- Climb Rate performance remodeled for more realistic climb rates
- PASS SIGNS switches animations corrected
- FUEL BOOST PUMPS now animated as two independent switches with the proper logic
- FUEL PUMP ON message now disappears after engine start
- AOA Vanes rotated to proper position
- Fixed ICE warning message on Primary EICAS
- Adjusted textures on nosewheel and its strut so it matches main gear textures
- Fixed rapid flickering AC ESS XFER and MAN buttons when holding them pressed
- Internal Emergency doors added
- Fixed Emergency Lights state in READY TO TAXI Start Option
- Fixed Stairs and Cabin Lights Knobs being reversed
- Fixed Lit texture causing RTU box lines show through the labels
- Fixed reversed Barometer Knob behavior on Standby Instrument
- Added MACH TRIM EICAS Message
- Fixed Buttons and Knobs not working in Linux
- Fixed white ring showing on front landing gear with no lighting
- Fixed APU related messages when PWR FUEL is pressed
- Adjusted manipulators shapes and locations to avoid orange clickable regions appearance
- Removed TERRAIN NOT AVAIL message
- Primary EICAS Pop Up matches Tablet units now
- Captain MFD Pop Up matches Tablet Units now
- Corrected behavior of the little round BRT knobs on all displays
- Corrected scrambled text on Captain PFD Pop Up
- Added COMMAND for Cockpit Door opening
- Beacon Strobing Light adjusted for more strobing effect (will be Custom Light in future updates)
- Deleted message ENGINE OVERSPEED with engines not started
- Corrected MAIN BATT CHARG message on EICAS
- ISOL VALVE does not show OFF when in ON position
- Fixed overlapping Text in Left CDU Pop Up
- TAKE OFF CONFIG message is now showing on EICAS after pressing TOGA button
- Fixed GEN 1 OFF and GEN 2 OFF messages when switches were on AUTO position
- Fixed switch position in CABIN PRESS panel to HOLD on start
- Yaw Damper is disengaging on pressing only one YD button (default X-Plane for now)
- PLAN Mode on MFD is North Up
- Fixed MACH TRIM INOP message illuminated when there is no power
- Fixed some panels showing lit after Electrical Power was OFF
- Fixed some external lights being off after READY TO TAXI start despite switches being ON