Version 2.01 (November 5th 2021)
Improved program stability
Updated cold and dark states
Bug fixes
Version 2.00 (October 19th 2021)
New features:
+ Manual route programming via the 3D INS inside the cockpit
+ AviTab is shown directly in the 3D cockpit
+ Automatic or MANUAL fuel pumping
+ Cockpit Instruments are now better ROUNDED
+ Improved visor (textures, glass, and shadows)
+ New colors of the cockpit panels
+ Improved glas
+ New shadow setting
+ Better cockpit lighting
+ DME1 + 2 plus HSI DME now show decimals of miles
+ Autopilot MAX CLIMB speed closer to the speed limits
+ Autopilot IAS HOLD (by pitch change) angle limit raised to +/-15°
+ Reheat chronometer can be reset now
+ Temperature gauge: Heating up/cooling down more realistic
+ Working nose wheel steering levers (with joystick plugged in)
+ Automatic night lighting can be switched off
+ Bug fixes
+ Automatic or MANUAL fuel pumping
+ New fuel trim mode MANUAL
+ Fuel dumping is now possible
+ Brake temperature calculation, gauges, and lights
+ Failing brakes if overheated
+ All engineering gauges are dynamically animated
+ Much more interactive possibilities on the Engineering panel
Bleed air, Cabin temp., Hydraulics, Electrics, etc.
+ Engine 4 N2 Takeoff Limiter on/off functional
+ Bug fixes
+ The corners of the external doors are ROUNDED
+ Lit passenger windows at night
+ Texture corrections: Improved wing textures
+ Corrections on the landing gear animation
+ Improved textures of external vehicles
+ More animations and lights on the external vehicles
+ Animated Ram Air Turbine
+ Improved ground effect for smoother landings
+ Improved flight model
+ Better sound settings
+ Additional warnings, Copilot phrases
+ Trimbell volume can be adjusted now
+ Bug fixes
Updated manuals