12r1 (November 11th 2022)
- Release of the X-Plane 12 Version
You now have one link for the XP12 and one link for XP11
1.7r (January 14th 2022)
Removed unwanted moving surface ahead of rudder
Enable steep approaches (SB with full flaps)
Fixed regression bug on barber pole showing max speed 180 at full flaps (instead of 160)
Public release
Extra 'minimums' logic change
Improved cabin trip detection
Fixed broken on-screen dialpad/keyboard input in PFD
Extra attempt at fixing a customer CTD (cannot reproduce but worked)
Adjusted RA precision based on height (5/10/50)
Added Vspeed Vac on speed tape (GA mode)
Flaps now linked to DC Bus 1
Override mixture to prevent user bad axis configuration
Fixed artifact on wings geometry
Exposed vspeeds as datarefs in aerobasl/vspeeds/vxxxxx
Allowed right-click and mouse-wheel on non touch-screen areas of G1000s
Added extra drag to the gear
Improved AIRAC validity detection
Changed "Minimums" logic
Version 1.4r (April 20th 2021)
Set bug speed to actual CSC speed
AP speed and speed bug tuyrn green when CSC is engaged (even if speed changed after CSC engagement)
Added extra commands for many 3-position switches
Attempt to fix bug with some RSG hardware connected
Version 1.3r (April 15th 2021)
FLAP2 is now valid again for TO config.
Disabled GPWS warning LOW FLAPS for FLAPS 2&3
Fixed stairs lights
Fixed trim range for NO TAKEOFF FLAP message
Fixed AO around removed panel button on LOWRES2K livery
Slider for adjusting CG in ground menu
New "Reset CG" to 0 button in ground menu
New "Balance fuel" button in ground menu
Fixed CSC green arc in narrow/reversion EIS mode
Updated logic for switchgin IAS->MACH and MACH->IAS (0.60/30000, 290/29000)
Added option for Sky pointer instead of roll pointer for roll scale
Fixed audio panel lights
Fixed MFD needed to be shutdown twice for showing startup sequence
Fixed N.EIS led lit without power
Added 33 kilograms usable fuel to better match usable fuel (Jet-A1 @ 0.803 kg/l)
Always use Experimental Flight Model set in PlaneMaker
Fixed HDG display (3 digits) with "real pitch scale" and SV activated
Fixed CSC green arc for narrow EIS
Fixed lateral mode display to ROL when in TO/GA mode
TOGA trims to TO only on ground
TOGA fdir now 10.5 only on ground, 7.5° in flight
Fixed roll flight director pointer when on cross-pointer mode
Keep flight director bars or symbol on ADI area (real pitch scale only)
G1000: added manipulators for COM/NAV VOL/SQ knobs
Fixed bad parenting tiny flaps part to wingflex
Fixed small gap where engine nacelles meet the fuselage
Cabin seatbelt signs now off when bus_volt=0
Fixed green spill nav light
New windshield heaters
Removed panel's Aerobask logo, now click on tailnum for options
Improved some cockpit textures
Improved cockpit placard
Fixed Yaw and Roll trims not working when flying manual
Fixed flaps moving instantly when AP on, adjusted overall speed
Added option for UTC/LCL in cabin trip display
Added option to keep doors closed in C&D
Fixed spoilers moving without hydraulics
Fixed tiny holes in cockpit
Fixed rudder geometry and movement for more efficiency single-engine
Added AP half-bank indicator on roll scale
No more negative engine oil temps
Fixed vertical TO/GA display
Removed Vno marker on PFD speed tape (set Vno = Vne)
Barber pole now reflects instantely selected detent, not actual flap extension
Fixed single-cue flight director pitch when in real pitch mode
Flipped pitch trim indicator and adjusted green range
Removed rogue animation of CVR switch (CVR not implemented)
ELEC Synopitc now shows indicated battery volt instead of actual volts (hot bus volt vs internal volts)
Fixed G1000 audio panel lights