version 1.0.4 (December 16th 2023)
- FLCH is now limited to a minimum of +2° up in climb, and -7° on descent.
- Fixed the Flight Director jumping up and down during turbulence. This fix is only available in X-Plane 12 due to the new dataref not being available in X-Plane 11
- LOC and GS stay as active autopilot modes even after disconnecting the autopilot
- Bank angle limit should automatically be engaged above FL270
- Sequencing into a DISCON or VECTRS waypoint now correctly disables VNAV
- TOGA now correctly initiates also on the second leg (flight)
- Pressing AT when FLCH is active will now result in AT using throttle and FPA. Also Cancels VNAV
- Pressing AT again will now disable AT
- Using vertical modes without the flight director off will not do anything but issue warnings
- Many more approaches are now available in the FMS! Previously we only covered approaches without any designations, or X and Y approaches. We are now covering approaches with any designation which unlocks a lot more landing opportunities!
- Added function to clear waypoint constraints with DELETE
- Fixed insert STAR waypoint adds ROUTE waypoint type
- Fixed two digit display of pages on FPLAN
- The transponder mode or Radio frequencies will no longer be reset as part of the FMS Reset 2 minutes after landing
- Fixed FMS not resetting after the second flight
- PERF INIT page 2/3 CRZ ALT, TOG CG and ZFW entry fields are now boxes and not "0"
- Added Units (KG/LB) to PERF INIT 2
- Fixed FLT PLAN page corruption: Overflowing data on last FLT PLAN page KJFK.LENDY8 with no runway or approach set.
- Fixed: When editing the FPL that the Cancel saves the changes instead of reverting to the original
- Fixed FL Transition Altitude being inoperative.
- Fixed DTK on the FMS not being correct (It is correct on the PFD)
- Heliports are now ignored in the FMS and will not be loaded as the ORIGIN airport
- Fixed: "C" runway SID's, SID COMMON's, and STAR's waypoint data missing
- FLP PLAN ETAs now update throughout the flight and should be much more accurate
- Fuel predictions on the FMS PROGRESS page now update every 5 seconds, not every frame, which should result in much smoother values
- The correction of the wind components calculator for take off and landing
- Fixed CTD when the FMS is reset automatically after landing
- Improved the DIRECT Insert
- The destination row in the FPLAN page should be the RW designator, not the airport ICAO
- Improved fuel prediction calculations
- Revised PROGRESS GCD (Great Circle Distance) to use the Haversine distance calculation
- Data for Actual Time of Arrival Incorrectly Formatted. Now shows the actual altitude at the last waypoint
- Fixed the issue of ROUTE waypoints not being properly "smoothed" into the STAR
- TOC and TOD adjust correctly when waypoint altitude constraints or user overrides are removed
- Fixed VOR and VORDME approaches not being properly differentiated
- Fixed the CLIMB page not being accessible from the TAKEOFF page
- MFD fuel data corrupted for E190/E195. Three major digits are now possible with large fuel loads on the MFD
- Several fixes to the DIRECT function to allow for correct waypoint altitude handling
- Bearing between fixes should not be negative numbers
- Resolved STAR waypoint display and default cruise CAS issues
- Restored ETE calculations on PERF/CRUISE page for accurate decimal minutes display
- Fixed Missed Approach waypoint code corrupting the flight plan when the departure and arrival airport are the same.
- Fixed TOC recalculating oddly after reaching cruise altitude.
- Descent "mini" TOD's now added if needed for DIRECT legs inside of the STAR.
- Trim now stops after 3 seconds of continuous change
- Fine tuned engine startup sequence for X-Plane 12 which should now better match the real aircraft
- Fixed: Electrical bus ties were always cross tied. The BUS TIE switch did not actually disconnect the busses. It does now.
- CG is not displayed in %MAC in the X-Plane 12 Weight & Balance menu
- Stick shaker forces set correctly base don the AOM
- The hydraulic system now reflects the real operations to the full X-Plane 12 capabilities. A fully custom solution which will allow additional functions is planned for a future update.
- Anti-Ice switches use the latest X-Plane 12 datarefs
- Speedbrakes lever no longer moves on landing when the speedbrakes are deployed automatically
- Animated the APU EMERG red guard. This allows you to open the guard and press the APU EMERG shutdown button
- The speed knob now allows setting the speed as low as 108kts which might be needed for some approaches
- Audio panel now defaults to VHF1, not MRK
- Added a new Easter egg QR code
- Steering tiller now moves more gradually + Improved Manipulator Calibration
- Taxi Side light no longer ON by default when loaded with engines running
- Prevented the Fuel XFEED switch from loading on the LOW2 position (which was caused by an XP12 bug)
- Reverse Thrust Manipulators on the throttles disabled in the air
- A flashing MSG annunciator added which is displayed whenever there is a message on the FMS scratchpad
- Added TCAS OFF, and TCAS TEST indications to the PFD
- On the approach, “RETD armed” is now displayed 100ft AGL before the RETD actually engages
- Pitch Limit Indicator added to the PFD
- Fixed the outflow valve indicator going nuts on the ECS synoptic page
- Added new TCAS modes which are available in X-Plane 12 (New modes: ALT-OFF, ALT-ON, GND, TA ONLY). Previous modes which are also included are OFF, STBY, TEST, TA/RA
- The DEST on progress on the MFD should show the RUNWAY, not the destination airport
- Revise use of airport ICAO to the runway identifier where needed
- Fixed airport database cache in the wrong directory. **YOU CAN DELETE THE "xcrafts" FOLDER FROM THE X-PLANE ROOT FOLDER.**
- The MAP mode now shows wind in polar coordinates, while PLAN shows wind in cartesian coordinates
- The MFD and PFD now use the updated transponder values in X-Plane 12, which have changed so the indications were showing incorrect modes
- The FLT CTL page was showing the inner spoilers deployed in the air which was not correct
- Fixed the ETA indications on the MFD showing values over 60 minutes
- Fix route and map data orientation in plan mode (plane was using magnetic north while the route was using true north
- Fixed the Weather antenna angle indicator moving when FPA was being adjusted!
- Fix the Wind Indications Y and X headwind and crosswind components on the MFD. Any prevailing issues are due to bugs in X-Plane 12
- Fixed the Outflow Valve once more, this time hopefully for good
- Fixed the brake temperature indicator when the temps were negative
- Fixed TCAS in X-Plane 12 not showing traffic on the map
- Improved the speedbrake indications: The green indication of the speedbrake is now always visible, the area below the deployed green speedbrake is now correctly gray, and the GND SPOILER annunciator is in a white box as on the real aircraft
- EICAS declutter is now disabled also whenever autobrakes are set to anything else than OFF
- Windshield & Windows glass transparency changed:
- Front windshield changed from 85% to 70% opacity
- Side windshield changed from 85% to 55% opacity
- Passenger windows changed from 75% to 60% opacity
- Fixed double text on the main landing gear door. Previously it showed LINEAGE 1000 over the correct name of the aircraft
- Rebuilt exterior sound routing.
- Environmental sounds now bleed into the cockpit/cabin.
- Rain and storms are now audible.
- Very subtle environmental white noise is now audible.
- Default X-Plane environment volume slider still works
- Added a manipulator for MAX REVERSE THRUST
- Use a separate airport cache directory for the map. Fixes the "airport not found" issues and "cache corrupted" messages in Log.txt.
- Fixes intermittent crash on exit due to map thread not being killed before releasing resources.
- Fix route and map data orientation in plan mode (plane was using magnetic north while the route was using true north)
- Use a separate airport cache directory for the EFB. Fixes the "airport not found" issues and "cache corrupted" messages in Log.txt.
- Corrected max E175 MTOW value in the EFB
- Fix typo in perf DB for E190/E195/Legacy which caused the Vr to be lower than V1
- Add improved logging on input error to diagnose stack overflow errors on some systems.