- We now HIDE the yoke control lock manipulator when the aircraft is airborne - it was too easy to accidentally re-install the yoke lock while in flight! Also added plugin code to remove the yoke lock automatically if the pilot forgot, and the airplane goes airborne
- Fixed the A/P Interrupt button on the pilot yoke. Can now be clicked and held down to use Control Wheel Steering while autopilot servos are engaged. Corrected the spelling of "A/P Interrupt" label on the pilot yoke
- We now HIDE the ignition key manipulator located on top of the glareshield while in flight to prevent being able to remove the keys from ignition in flight, Keys cannot be removed from ignition receptacle unless the magnetos are set to OFF
- Changed the visibility logic for the pilot figure - the pilot is now hidden if the airplane is on the ground, the engine is off, and the parking brake is set, regardless of the canopy open or closed
- Starter lamp does not illuminate if trying to start the engine with the keys on the glareshield
- Modified the Audio Amplifier fuse logic - if the fuse is pulled, audio volumes are set to zero, marker lamps will not illuminate, and the audio panel power lamp goes off. Radio volume settings are saved and restored when fuse is pushed back in
- Corrected mesh textures on the interior of the pilot yoke columns sleeves - no longer transparent
- The flaps paddle switch now operates as described in the Tiger POH - click and hold down to deploy flaps, click up once to fully retract
- Fixed issues with COM2 radio still able to operate even if the COM2 power was off (X-Plane bug)
- The audio panel volume knob now acts as a "master" volume for all devices that play through the audio panel. Individual radio volumes can be adjusted, but the audio panel volume will also control the volumes
- Squelch noise (if on) is controlled by the appropriate radio - if COM1 is selected, the COM1 volume will control the squelch volume, and likewise for COM2. If neither COM1 or COM2 is selected on the audio panel the squelch sound will not be played
- COM2 and NAV2 radio frequency manipulators, volume knobs and flip/flop buttons are now un-clickable if the radio power is off, or the radio fuse is pulled
- Enlarged a number of cockpit manipulators to make them easier to operate
- New HDR instrument gauge lighting
Version 4.0 (Nov 30th 2016)
- X-Plane 10.50+ Optimized
- New mouse scroll-wheel support for cockpit manipulators
- New HDR-compatible custom interior lights (interior lights require HDR ON in X-Plane Rendering settings)
- New HDR-compatible custom exterior lights (HDR not required, but recommended for best effect)
- Custom engine startup logic – the engine takes longer to start if it is cold, and mixture must be set properly, and throttle must be opened approximately ½” during engine start
- Custom GTX327 Transponder with 4-function display (Pressure Altitude, automatic Flight Timer, Count Up Timer and Count Down Timer)
- Animated ignition key – click the ignition key on top of the glareshield to place it into the ignition receptacle prior to start
- Radio volumes individually controlled – use the radio volume knobs to control COM1, NAV1, COM2 and NAV2 volumes
- Terra NAV OBS 2 improved with more realistic features (FLAG indicator, LOC and GPS indicators)
- New digital Outside Air Temperature display
- Improved STEC 30 AP with more realistic behavior – the autopilot now supports GPS flight plan following, ILS approaches, and GPS RNAV approaches as well as VOR tracking and HDG modes
- Added rain and ice-textured glass objects – raindrops or frost will appear on windows when X-Plane conditions dictate
- Simulated "Satellite" music – see the User Manual for instructions on how to customize the “satellite music” with your own sound tracks
- New custom recorded sounds with situation-aware effects – exterior sounds are heard when canopy or cargo door is opened.
- Simulated “headphones” – click on the pilot-side headphone jacks to plug in the headphones – sounds will be attenuated
- New On-Screen Control Menu with operational controls and special view selections
- 8 liveries included