The A-1C Aviat Husky is the latest X-Plane 11 version flying with substantial performance improvements in useful load and flight dynamics. In this simulation STMA includes the best of aftermarket modifications and some of our most coveted wish list items to make it the most capable bush plane in in your collection.
=> AutoUpdater (AU) enabled. With AU turned on and an internet connection model updates are automatically downloaded to your model whenever it is opened in X-Plane. Want to stop receiving updates so you can keep you model in a specific state? Turn AU off. It’s that simple.
=> Flight model aerodynamics match performance of the actual aircraft as experienced and tested by our on-staff Husky owner and instructor
=> Engine and propeller models provide exceptional accuracy of the latest power modifications, climb, cruise, and descent performance. Climbs and descends steeply for obstacle clearance and cruises at 7.5 gph
Full featured VFR and IFR flight and navigation suite
All Season Undercarriage options
Accurate Modeling throughout
Custom sounds
Easy on your system