The Sisteron-Vaumeilh aerodrome is an internationally known mecca for gliding .More than 13,000 hours of glider flight were flown there in 2015. Activity is particularly strong from March to October.
The Sisteron-Vaumeilh aerodrome hosted the world final of the Sailplane Grand Prix (SGP) organized by the International Aeronautical Federation from May 8 to 16 , 2014.
-Ultra detailed car parks, taxiways and track-PBR on all objects-Ambient occlusion (Objects and ground)-Wet track effects-Dynamic lighting-Compatibility Ortho4XP-Compatibility AutoOrtho-HD photorealistic ground-South-Est Z17 (Ortho4XP 1.40)-Autogen (Houses,Lights,Cars)-Citadel Sisteron 3D