Version 1.53 (April 6th 2023)
XP12 version only
*** New Pilots - Installation
- Extract the downloaded file.
- Move or copy the folder "JRX - MBB Bo 105 DBS-4 - v1.53" to your preferred X-Plane Aircrafts folder.
- Run X-Plane, you will see the new aircraft in your list.
*** Current Pilots - Updating to v1.53
- If you want to keep your current flight hours (HOBBS TIME) then look here: (before updating)
- When applying the update DO NOT merge the folders.
- Remove the original JRX 105 folder, and replace with the new v1.53
- I also recommend, before updating to remove any of the JRX custom keyboard commands you may have set up as X-Plane can get confused with legacy commands.
*** Tutorials / Forums
- JRX Support Forums
- JRX Video Tutorials
Throttle Control: XP-12
Video Guide:
Start-up / Shut down: XP-11
Version 1.52 (March 25th 2023)
XP12 version
Fixed the TRQ needle split for all start conditions.
3D mesh optimization - Overall 3D mesh size reduced by 31.5%.
Main and tail "rotor blur" texture updated.
"Rotor blur" animations updated.
Rotor animation timings adjusted.
Engine power adjustments.
Engine TRQ adjustments.
Throttles command buttons speed adjusted.
Updated sound to FMOD v2.02.
Autopilot control updated.
Autopilot IAS confirmed as disabled. (Was originally a trial).
ATC audio confirmed working.
Added new light parameters to the search light.
Added new light parameters to the landing light.
Adjusted lower beacon light direction.
Added LIT textures for exterior lights.
Adjusted collective button "click spots".
Fixed the "LIT" textures for Collective / NAV Radios / Station Boxes.
Version XP12 (February 23rd 2023)
Version 1.50 (January 15th 2021)
51. External door handles not working in exterior views (OK in VR).
52. Move low fuel warning to supply tank.
53. Check supply tank drain times.
54. Add commands for the 4x fuel switches.
55. Conversion to EMS / Air ambulance variant.
56. Increase HYD trim rates.
57. Update Manual.
58. Take out of Beta.
Version 1.40 (January 15th 2021)
28. Move away from "wing-sweep" throttle axis and go back to standard throttles.
---COMPLETED--- This will be a trial version, wing sweep has gone, standard X-Plane throttle now in use, this gives better "dual" throttle control and will allow implementation of the engine power trimmer.
38. Trims not working.
39. Remap main body UV to include the plate below the clamshell doors. (Could effect existing liveries).
40. Implement engine RPM trimmer.
41. Co-Pilots collective encroaching on the seat.
42. Remap Collective head and add 4 way china hat for search light and 2 way china hat for landing light.
43. Animate engine trimmer / china hats on collective.
44. Commands added for engine trimmer / up / down / reset.
45. Landing Light - Extend / Retract now fully working with animated china hat and commands added to the menu options.
46. LIT texture added to collective head.
47. Search light functions PAN left / right / up / down added
48. Added a LIT texture for the aircraft folder.
49. Command added to MUTE the RPM needle split warning horn.
50. Fuel pump switch operation now working.
Version 1.30 (January 2nd 2021)
29. Investigate "death pitch up" at - altitude / weight / speed - > 5000 ft / >2300 kg / > 80 Kts
---FIXED--- Including with the Experimental flight model.
30. Over-pitching instability tuned out.
31. FMOD - Re-evaluate internal rotor sounds.
32. FMOD - Adjust other requested changes where applicable.
33. Engine power increased for better high altitude operation's.
34. Spelling corrected Thanks to user "bwitched" for spotting these!
35. Move rear beacon from the rotor gearbox to the tail section.
36. Main body - minor adjustments.
37. TOT not rising with altitude
---FIXED--- May need some fine tuning.
Version 1.20 (December 27th 2021)
1. DME Lamp - still on after battery / Main Bus feed - off
2. Storm Lamp - still on after battery / Main Bus feed - off
3. Cabin Lamp - still on after battery / Main Bus feed - off
4. Main Panel Rear Corners - are touching interior glass.
5. Animations on Radio Flippers have gone?
6. Adjusted "light spills" on navigation lights
7. Make sliding window "outer" an external object to get reflections.
8. Fuel pressure needles - Not active during replay mode.
---NOT FIXED--- X-Plane does NOT generate fuel pressure values in replay mode over the value of 1???
9. Adjust FMOD front window open sound to be less than open door sounds.
---ON HOLD---
10. Strobes still active with BATT off.
11. FMOD sound error with engine 1 vent run.
12. FMOD sound error with engine 1 / 2 vent run - switching the BATT off.
13. Investigate TRQ gauge differences between 2D / VR and replays.
---FIXED--- Requires testing on different customer systems.
13a. Now 13 (above) is fixed, we can re-calibrate the TRQ gauge.
14. Rotor blur shadows - to be removed and switch to original rotor blur (as per the quick fix on the forum).
15. Adjust FMOD rotor sounds.
16. Decent Rate Increased.
17. Increase ROLL RATES.
18. Increase Starter SWs click zones.
19. Starter SW manipulator changed to "HAND" type as was not working with G2 VR controllers.
20. Compass SYNC indicator removed and replaced with TRIM indicator gauge and lighting increased.
21. ELEVATOR trim replaced for ROTOR trim and added to trim indicator gauge.
22. Assigned a panel SW to reset control trim.
23. Cleared foggy glass on trim gauge
24. Minor texture fixes to panel / pedestal.
25. Removed "dust texture" on INSTR glass and merged into one file.
26. Fixed a graphic error where the pedalstal meets the main panel.
26. Moved CWP glass to in front of the annunciators.