Version 1.50 (June 16, 2022)
- Added integrated support for RealSimGear G5 hardware units
- Improved G5 screen graphics to be more realistic
- Fixed: Press and hold G5 PFD knob was not synching ALT Preselect
- Fixed: Press and hold G5 HSI knob was not synching OBS to current course
- Improved frame rate when G5 popups are not active
- Modified wing airfoils to improve landing behavior
- Fixed: G5 Altimeter 100s digits now scroll up/down when approaching new Alt
April 22, 2022 Version 1.41
- Fixed: Aspen EFD1000 - ALT preselect and BARO values now display in magenta
text when being changed.
- Fixed: SASL error if the AviTAB plugin is not installed. If AviTAB plugin is
not installed, the "Hide AviTablet" option is now ON and can't be
turned OFF.
March 11, 2022
Version 1.4
- Added: G5 PFD - Speed bug information box missing at top of speed tape
- Added: GI275 EIS - Added battery backup indicators and battery
charge/discharge logic
- Changed: G5 PFD - TAS indicator text changed to white instead of magenta
- Fixed: G5 PFD - ESP MINSPD warning not being removed upon landing
- Fixed: G5 HSI - Pilot can now change OBS course when GPS OBS is being used
- Fixed: G5 PFD - AP status bar now indicates "GP" (glidepath) when flying a
GPS Approach with glide path
- Added: G5 PFD - Added a magenta "G" indicator to top of VDI scale when GPS is
the HSI source
- Fixed: G5 PFD - Airspeed tape 10s digit now scrolls to next closest 10s
- Fixed: G5 PFD - airspeed tapes for MPH and KMH had wrong red and yellow bars
- Fixed: Removed deprecated FMOD commands from FMOD SND files to avoid errors
- Fixed: G5 PFD - Flight director bars now show correct roll animations
- Fixed: G5 HSI - Inactive "GPS1" text on bearing pointer setup menu offset
- Fixed: G5 HSI - Missing knob push manipulator when bearing pointer setup active
- Added: G5 HSI - Added missing OAT information box at bottom left of screen
- Fixed: G5 PFD and HSI - Altitude Preselect knob now changes by 100' or 20 meters
- Fixed: G5 PFD and HSI - Altitude Preselect menus and indicator at top right of
screen showing ALTS in feet when meters is selected as current units
- Added: G5 PFD and HSI - Airspeed, Altimeter and BARO units now synchronized on
both units
- Removed: G5 PFD and HSI - Removed deprecated knob animations
- Fixed: Nose-down attitude at cruise speeds. Modified wings.
February 25, 2022
Version 1.33
- Fixed: Aspen E1000 in-panel screen not showing screen elements properly
after previous update.
February 24, 2022
Version 1.33
- Fixed: KX165 NAV2 active frequency not displaying hundredths digit (just 0)
February 23, 2022
Version 1.33
- Changed: Combined G5 PFD and HSI SetupKnobPush commands into KnobPush commands
and eliminated the SetupKnobPush commands
- Fixed: Bad dataref spellings in G5 LUA scripts
February 22, 2022
Version 1.32
- Fixed: FD bars indicate too much bank angle when changing course
- Fixed: RealityXP GNS430 screens could not be clicked to toggle the popouts
- Fixed: CHT and OILT values too high - running at or near redline
- Fixed: G5 Speed bug should not bi visible unless IAS mode is active
February 21, 2022
Version 1.31
- Fixed: If avionics master switch is OFF, Aspen E1000 lower screen should not
display NAV data and indicators
- New Feature: Reset to Cold and Dark option now recharges the battery
- Fixed: SASL crash due to NIL value on Aspen E1000
February 20, 2022
Version 1.3
- Fixed: Added missing cyan VS bug and VS selected value indicator
- Fixed: Two misspelled datarefs in G5 LUA files
- Fixed: Added missing cyan speed bug on G5 altimeter tape
- Fixed: Made pitch trim more controllable
- Fixed: Glideslope armed ("GS") indicator on G5 not displaying correctly
- Fixed: BARO value not displaying on BARO Adjust menu on G5 popup windows
- Fixed: Adjusting BARO in HPa units causes strange jumps in values
- Fixed: FD bars and airplane symbol on G5 displays to not match real G5
February 17, 2022
Version 1.22
- Fixed: Reversed positions of RPM and MAP displays at top of GI 275 EIS screens
Autoupdate Feb. 4, 2022