Version 1.09 (May 16th 2024)
- Added pop up windows for screen displays.
- Added compatibility with Apple Silicon.
- Implemented MIN PROF field in STAR page for RNAV procedures.
- Implement FMS SPD deceleration select/preselect safeguards during approach.
- Show FMC calculated IAS values for deceleration configurations.
- Improved VNAV descent prediction during non-clean configuration.
- Improved VOR interception accuracy.
- Tuned landing roll brakes deceleration.
- Added VERT ALERT annunciation in FMA when approaching T/D.
- Filter airports displayed by runway length.
- Reset CLB/ACCEL FMC fields.
- HDG SEL (pull) must allow edition of the heading target until <3º difference.
- Pushing FMS SPD (with no wheel change) resets to ECON.
- Added warning and logging for route loading process.
- Improved LED lighting of LCD displays.
- Inhibit DEFINED WAYPOINTS deletion when used in the flight plan.
- TCAS TA Only mode should be engaged automatically on ground and below 1000AGL.
- Improved manipulation of ELF switch.
- Reorder SID/STAR listing after applying filters.
- Reset ADG with maintenance button.
- Reduced dirt on windshield texture.
- Fixed FMS SPD indication glitch during climb at cross-over altitude.
- Fixed a problem with navaid selection with duplicate names.
- Fixed AFS pitch limits during SOP.
- Fixed a problem when transitioning from PROF to ALT HLD/SOP during descent.
- Fixed navaid DESELECT for ILS navaids.
- Fixed APPR/ILS guidance response when signal is not available.
- Fixed HDG turn direction problem when crossing 0.
- Fixed HDG bug reset after being hidden.
- Fixed AP1/AP2 annunciator in FMA during dual land.
- Fixed a bug in bank limit during non curved transition.
- Fixed FMS SPD target rising above approach speed below 100AGL in some cases.
- Fixed draw order of flight director bars in PFD.
- Fixed Aircraft floating over the runway during autoland in XP11.
- Fixed DME only stations not showing correct data in ND.
- Fixed ATS too responsive during cruise.
- Fixed compatibility problems with A Pilot's Life and other plugins.
- Fixed N2 going over red arc during TO in high altitude airports.
- Fixed bug in FPA discreet stepper when going down.
- Fixed problem in "fix all failures" function.
- Fixed a bug in landing gear disagree lights.
- Fixed a typo in stby airspeed indication.
- Fixed a bug in logic of CRZ and CLB thrust mode auto-selection.
- Fixed A-ICE ALL ON shown along with all other A-ICE alerts.
- Fixed reverser indication color during deployment on air.
- Fixed engine fire handles annunciators.
- Fixed INSERT in ALTN AIRWAYS and HOLD pages.
- Fixed command repeat in VHF freq manipulators.
- Fixed model error in cabin doors window.
- Fixed HDG SEL canceling NAV/VOR ARM modes.
- Fixed a bug in TOGW indication.
- Fixed a bug in ABS DISARM annunciator in copilot side.
- Upgraded to newer Aerosoft database.
Version 1.08 (November 1st 2023)
- Added EFBs with Aircraft Menu content.
- Added option to auto-pause before T/D.
- Added option to pause on Master Warning.
- Integrated support of AviTab plugin in EFBs.
- Improved ATS throttle servos behavior.
- Improved AFS altitude capture.
- Improved AFS speed on pitch guidance.
- Improved AFS stability and accuracy.
- Improved lateral guidance for NAV/VOR/LOC modes.
- Improved LAND sequence guidance.
- Improved longitudinal guidance during flaps extend/retract.
- Improved N1 trim and thrust precision.
- Improved engine drag for near idle regimes.
- Improved VNAV descent flight path prediction.
- Improved drag prediction for non-clean configurations.
- Improved navigation lights textures.
- Adjustments in W&B tablet page.
- Fixed audio panel can receive but not transmit on VHF2 channel.
- Fixed a bug in MACH calculation for non standard atmosphere.
- Fixed a bug in APRs that caused power off when shutting down engines.
- Fixed glitch in AF legs trajectory calculation.
- Fixed a bug in speed restriction enforcement for some legs.
- Fixed FMA altitude mode blinking during capture.
- Fixed FMA PROF TO reading during climb.
- Fixed weight units in some MCDU warnings.
- Fixed negative values format in altimeter tape and reading.
- Fixed a bug in ND MCDU MSG warning.
- Fixed a bug in PERF pages predictions.
- Fixed some values not updating in FIX page.
- Fixed a bug in engine start levers sounds.
- Fixed intermittent response of handles with TCA hardware.
- Fixed toe-brakes not working without a joystick plugged.
- Fixed NaN error in TCAS data.
- Fixed rounding error in some lat/lon readings.
- Enforce ICAO speed leg restrictions for HOLDs.
- Fixed insertion of HOLD at PPOS.
- Fixed HOLD parallel entry calculation.
- Fixed a bug in HOLD turn guidance.
- Fixed inaccuracy in missed approach guidance.
- Fixed a bug in VECTORS leg predictions.
- Fixed blinking of BELOW G/S INH annunciator while pressed on ground.
- Fixed annunciator texture bleeding.
- Fixed a texture problem in parking brake annunciator.
- Fixed animation of text INTPH and MECH buttons.
- Fixed a hole in HA stby instrument.
- Fixed an issue in wingflex animation.
- Fixed wing tip glass floating out of place in XP11.
- Fixed discrepancy between active and shown flight plans.
- Fixed problem with direct bearing to AT/B restriction during descent calculation.
- Fixed speed used for flight path prediction below speed transition altitude.
- Fixed a bug in aileron control while on ground.
- Fixed a bug in speed tape logic.
- Fixed a bug in Vspeeds boxes color codes.
Version 1.07 (April 17th 2023)
Available with the Sunkcraft updater and the store
- Improved LNAV trajectory calculations.
- Fixed various issues found in SID/STAR procedures LNAV display and guidance.
- Improved VNAV flight path calculations and guidance.
- Implemented flight path interception after early descent command.
- Fixed a bug in performance predictions due to ISA deviation influence.
- Fixed some FMA modes display during descent and approach.
- Improved deceleration distance calculations.
- Improved thrust prediction during IDLE configuration.
- Fixed a bug affecting V/S mode when flying with speedbrakes extended.
- Fixed a bug in AFS not acquiring VCL target after acceleration phase.
- Added FMC GO AROUND page.
- Fixed a bug in AIRWAYS page.
- Made throttle and reverser hardware configuration more user friendly.
- Added support for throttle beta/reverse axis configuration.
- Allow brake commands and toe-brakes to work together.
- Improved product license check to eliminate unnecessary activation requests.
- Fixed altitude clearance enforcement in T/O CLAMP mode.
- Fixed center landing gear geometry.
- Fixed landing gear bogie tilt.
- Fixed a bug in navaids auto-tuning system.
- Fixed a bug in Fuel Tail Management System.
- Fixed a bug in temperature dissipation through Fuel System components.
- Fixed a bug in engine EGT indication.
- Fixed a bug in ILS selection by frequency in NAV/RAD page.
- Fixed a bug in Autobrake ARM TO warning.
- Fixed a bug in CG calculation (XP12 only).
- Fixed aircraft sometimes sitting on tail on startup.
- Fixed indications in ND during ND alignment.
- Fixed WXR RNG and TLT indications logic.
- Fixed flight time indication logic.
- Fixed a bug in FIX reference info radial.
- Fixed a bug in deletion function deleting the wrong waypoint.
- Fixed a bug in HDG bug arc command.
- Fixed a bug in AFS that prevented transition from LOC ARM back to NAV.
- Fixed a bug in overspeed protection.
- Include FMC slope/wind FMC fields in Situations presets.
- Fixed a bug in HDG bug indication during LOC mode.
- Fixed a bug in ND aircraft icon during TRK mode.
- Fixed a bug that affected reception and audio control of navaids morse signals.
- Fixed TCAS symbols showing outside the HDG arc in ND.
- Added dashes to altimeter readout above +/- 3000fpm.
- Removed navaid information in ND for auto-tuned navaids.
- Fixed a bug in CAB PRESS RATE indication.
- Improved compatibility with Better PushBack plugin.
- Fixed problem with VRAM usage in VR floating windows.
- Tuned exterior and cockpit lights (XP12 only).
- Improved wing-flex animation.
- Removed excessive dirtiness from engine smoke.
- Fixed animations in copilot MCDU keys.
- Fixed some visual errors in cockpit.
Version 1.06 (December 28th 2022)
Available with the Sunkcraft updater and the store
- Added rain and ice effects (X-Plane 12 only).
- Fixed a bug in VNAV guidance right before final approach fix.
- Fixed annunciators at night in X-Plane 12.
- Fixed a bug in transition altitude fields in FMC.
- Fixed random CTD in VR while aircraft is not activated.
- Fixed ENGINE COOL alert showing during flight.
- Tuned pitch PID at low speeds.
- Fixed a bug in AFS modes.
- Improved throttle handle controller logic.
- Fixed a bug in VOR radial drawing in ND.
- Fixed a bug in wing anti-ice logic.
- Fixed ATS over-responsiveness with gusty winds.
- Tuned airfoils to new X-Plane 12 Final flight model.
- Adapted CG calculations to new X-Plane 12 logic.
- Fixed starter timer conditions.
Version 1.05 (October 20th 2022)
- Compatibility with X-Plane 12 (only the X-Plane 12 specific package)
- Tuned AFS guidance at low speeds during early climb
- Fixed guidance error during ALIGN phase in some runways
- Tuned GPWS TERRAIN mode to avoid false positives
- Fixed INITIALIZE CRZ ALT alert during descent
- Fixed false positives resulting in ALT ERROR AT XXX
- Fixed DIR TO transition calculation
- Fixed glitch in ATS servos when advancing for TO
- Tuned TAS/IAS values following X-Plane calibration at low speeds
- Fixed altitude capture overshoot at high vertical speeds
- Fixed heading mode blinking during takeoff roll
- Fixed AFS cancel when using native trim commands
- Fixed unwanted navaid symbols in ND
- Fixed bug in Vapp
- Fixed Weather Radar not showing in the ND
- Fixed typo in the overhead panel
- Fixed bug in bleed air logic during engine start
- Fixed bug in START AIR PRES LO alert
- Fixed manipulator issues in VR for X-Plane 12
- Included a new Clean White Livery
Version 1.05 beta (September 26th 2022)
- Available via the Skunkcraft Updater
- X-Plane 12 version available in the beta branch
Version 1.04 (August 20th 2022)
Available via the Skunkcraft Updater
Fixed and New in Rotate MD-11 v1.04
- Reformulated Flight Director.
- Fixed ILS auto-tuning happening too far from runway.
- Fixed enforcement of some VNAV restrictions during descent.
- Fixed AFS OVRD not overriding ATS.
- Fixed problem cruise level edit interfering with step climb clearance.
- Fixed autoslats logic.
- Fixed multiple usability issues in VR.
- Added cabin sound region.
- Fixed exterior sound detection with interior camera views.
- Added option to inhibit acceleration in FGCP knobs.
- Fixed native gear toggle command.
- Fixed NEXT WPT insertion in flight plan.
- Fixed selection of waypoint in FIX page.
- Added support for reversed airways.
- Added auto detection of concatenated airways.
- Fixed CTD when reloading aircraft.
- Added compatibility with Ubuntu 22.04 and other Linux flavors.
- Fixed scrolling increment below 10000ft in ALT control in FGCP.
- Added some missing information in tutorial flight document.
- Fixed some materials in cockpit.
- Added missing graphical objects in overhead.
- Improved some cockpit manipulators.
- Fixed HDG/TRK labels.
- Fixed problem when switching from FT to M in FGCP.
- Fixed sync of FO/CPT QNH.
- Fixed ENGINE COOL alert logic.
- Added support for 5430N10000W format in flight plan import.
- Fixed elapsed timer reset between flights.
- Fixed some hydraulic dependencies.
- Fixed manual LDG ALT
- Fixed STBY compass.
- Fixed ALTN fuel field in FUEL INIT page.
- Fixed autobrake alerts.
- Fixed ballast labels in FUEL INIT page.
- Fixed a bug in tail fuel management.
- Fixed ATS transition from TO LIM to AP/FD SEL modes.
- Fixed problem in GPWS mode 4C during takeoff.
- Fixed problem in GPWS mode 2B during landing.
- Fixed a bug in FGCP SPD pull action during FMS mode.
- Fixed nose gear light during gear deployment.
- Increased logo light intensity.
- Fixed bug in Tail Fuel Management logic.
- Fixed a bug in AP DISC during auto land.
- Adjusted cabin pressure schedule at high altitudes.
- Updated some documents of the manual.
- Fixed duration of SINKRATE aural warning
Version 1.03 (May 8th 2022)
- Fixed deceleration predictions computing VNAV profile.
- Improved T/D detection.
- Adjusted transition to descent phase.
- Fixed a bug in VNAV flight-path calculation causing too steep descent at high altitudes.
- Fixed speed restrictions and deceleration schedule below transition altitude.
- Fixed issues crossing the 180º meridian.
- Fixed 2D menus in multi-monitor setups.
- Adjustments to Flight Director bars response.
- Tuned engine thrust at high altitudes.
- Tuned cabin climb rates.
- Prevent LSAS/CWS PIDs from resetting on AFS disconnect.
- Support tiller with mouse.
- Give hardware throttle priority when ATS servos are off.
- Ignore hardware throttles when ATS servos are engaged.
- Fixed engine 3 rotation issue.
- Fixed gear lights logic.
- Fixed center gear deploying on landing when commanded up.
- Support reversers with throttle commands.
- Fixed cabin pressurization rate.
- Fixed AP DISCO transition to LSAS/CWS guidance.
- Fixed a bug in F-PLN page time fields.
- Fixed arrival airport/runway symbols in ND.
- Fixed T/C and T/D calculation in some routes.
- Tuned descent performance predictions.
- Fixed descent flight path calculation in power-on-path descent legs.
- Fixed reversers N1 limit.
- Improved thrust reversers command logic.
- Fixed ILS tuning of some navaids.
- Fixed clearing of VOR2 CRS in NAV RADIO page.
- Fixed transition to early descent using V/S.
- Fixed EICL messages colors in EAD.
- Fixed wind indication in PROGRESS page.
- Removed sign of STAB setting in TAKEOFF page.
- Tuned fueld burned/predicted data.
- Fixed AFS speed target logic during takeoff.
- Fixed CTD when entering duplicate lat/lon names F-PLN page.
- Show dialed frequecies correctly in radio heads.
- Fixed aileron indications with deflected aileron configuration.
- Tuned brakes heating/cooling rates.
Version 1.02 (April 14th 2022)
- Fixed crash during activation in OSX systems.
- Fixed ILS autotuning of downwind (LOC only) navaids and autotuning distances.
- Fixed ILS manual tuning of some navaids.
- Fixed bug in ILS course indication.
- LNAV flight path is abandoned (a different case).
- LNAV winding flight path. Adjustments to PIDs.
- Improved guidance during arc transitions.
- Fixed the trend indicator in ND.
Version 1.01 (April 3rd 2022)
This version fixes some of the main issues that have been reported. We are still working on Mac activation issues and LNAV.
These are the issues fixed in this version:
- Loss of speed during cruise. Power has been adjusted to tables for max weights and altitudes.
- LNAV flight path is abandoned. Fixed a problem with waypoint/segment sequencing. (We are still working on some instances of this issue.)
- LNAV winding flight path. Roll PID has been tuned for high speeds. (Still working on this issue.)
- HDG guidance error when heading change crosses 360.
- Brakes and tiller not working as expected with hardware controllers. (We have updated the manual regarding this issue: see chapter 12 in Rotate MD-11. Introduction & Product information.pdf.)
- ILS CDI frozen in ND.
- ILS courses are shown as true instead of magnetic in NAV RAD page.
- Fixed an issue with Artificial Horizon.
Version 1.0 (March 24th 2022)