Added Features:
- Added option to swap altimeter between inHG and HPa by clicking the center of the adjustment knob
- Added missing avionics startup sound
- Allow pilot to set DH while above 2500 feet radar altitude (DH now appears for 2 seconds after adjustment)
Bug Fixes:
- Adjusted flap drag a bit for more realistic approach power setting
- Fixed rain sounds from inside the cockpit at high speeds
- Fixed some marching ants
- Fixed trim switch animation on copilot yoke
- Tuned autopilot constants to stop the plane from oscillating in HDG mode
-Fixed "altitude_up" command not working
- Fixed some manipulators
- Corrected EHSI bearing pointer to show ADF 1
- Potential fix to issue where gear retracts after exiting replay mode
- Make DME distance visible on EHSI when tuned to a pure DME source
- EHSI: fixed bug where flight plan line doesn't reappear when going from TFC mode to RDRNAV mode
- Fixed ADF power when starting from cold and dark
- Fixed Prop De-Ice annunciators not illuminating when prop deice switch is in the MAX position
-Fixed zoom in and out keys on the Collins MFD85