November 19th 2024
- Updated SASL plugin to version 3.17.3
- Fixed GPS D' direct' function that X-Plane G1000 background processes broke.
- Adapted flight model for X-Plane 12.1.2
- Low speed handling improvements.
- Autopilot airpseed, altitude and vertical speed “step” improvements.
- Improved APC (Approach Power Compensation) lua code.
- Added “revision mode” to backup and primary cockpit displays when the HUD is switched OFF.
- Added Hot Brake status displays now that X-Plane 12.1.2 has functioning brake temp data refs.
September 29th 2023
- New X-Plane 12 dynamic flight mode
- New X-Plane 12 engine operation model
- Plugin code updated to SASL 3.16
- Redesigned cockpit display screens
- Improved autopilot operation
- Preprogrammed GPS navigation system
- TACAN / VOR radio navigation system
- Popup “Options” panel to reconfigure the model as either the TX prototype, T-7A production aircraft or US Navy T-7N aircraft carrier capable training aircraft
- Improved “Taxi Look”, “Roll to see” and “Target Track” plugin code. This allows you to fly the model from either the front cockpit as a student pilot or as an instructor pilot in back seat.
- Two page, quick read “Get me flying, Now!” doc
- 54 page User Guide ( free download from T-7A support page)
- Multiple “Saved” settings throughout the cockpit (see details in User Guide)
- Detailed Beginner and Advanced training flight docs
- Integrated cockpit electronic engine start checklist, printable checklist and Xchecklist plugin audio checklist
- Included “AI only” version of T-7 model for practice formation flying
Version 1.31 (January 17th 2022)
- Fixes True Airspeed display in HUD
- Increased pitch authority
Version 1.3 (December 14th 2021)
- New airfoils.
- Refined flight model with better crosswind handling.
- HUD velocity vector ball adapted for crosswinds.
- ICAO navigation identifiers added to the HUD and cockpit radar map display.
Version 1.2 (August 10th 2020)
Completely rewritten automated systems logic code
New menu for quick aircraft configuration
New "carrier track" mode, similar to "target track"
Use of the "Start with engines running" checkbox is now supported
T-7C HUD gun mode has been decluttered
Increased ILS detection range from 10 to 20 nautical miles
AoA indexer added in the HUD for T-7N Navy Hawk
Wider separated nose wheels on T-7N Navy Hawk
New comprehensive User Guide
... and many avionics improvements (see our support page)
Version 1.1 (May 30th 2020)
New naval version (T-7N Navy Hawk) with tailhook, double nose wheel and fixed refueling probe
New EFT version with two large (300 gallon/2,000 lbs fuel each) external fuel tanks
Low-poly, low-res, no-script version included for AI flights
New comprehensive 28 pages User Guide
Completely reworked textures together with improved PBR effects
Custom views on numeric key pad
More ground equipment
Many fixes and improvements