Shade Tree Micro Aviation is pleased to present TrackerXP 3.40, the unique Head Tracking Plugin for X-Plane 32 and 64 bit.
Revolutionize the way you fly X-Plane with TrackerXP
TrackerXP smoothly pans your head left, right, up, and down through a wide field of view around your aircraft’s cockpit and cabin. Move your head towards the camera to Zoom in close on panel instruments for easy adjustment.
TrackerXP extends head tracking to steer the ChaseViewDeluxe view! Fly in Chase View using TrackerXP's HUD. Please see the updated TrackerXP_ReadMe.pdf for details. A printable version of the ReadMe is included in the package. ??TrackerXP has numerous speed and smoothness enhancements that are fully adjustable from TrackerXP’s pull down menu. TrackerXP Null Zones have been removed. Please see theTrackerXP_ReadMe.pdf for details.
TrackerXP incorporates and extends X-Plane 10's new Glance Right and Glance Left commands. This is especially useful for combat and helicopter pilots.??Instantly pause TrackerXP, freezing your current viewing angle. You are always only a single click away from Pause, Enable or Disable TrackerXP. One click will return you to X-Plane’s 3D forward view or any of X-Plane’s external views.
New in TrackerXP 3.35 and 3.40:
- Turn Camera Left and Right preference. Center off axis cameras and remove eye glass reflections.
- Smooth action Null Zone.
- Prevents runaway camera speeds reported on some high end computers.
- Reset to Beginner and Advanced settings.
- Many optimizations, conveniences and fixes.
Thanks Bob for your help. The TrackerXP version you emailed me did the trick. I am now getting decent frame rates and therefore, a smooth view. What an awesome experience. Your service and product is second to none.... anyone reading this post... I highly recommend you get this, you will not regret it.
I want to post my recommendation for this great Plugin. Downloaded only 2 days ago, an early New Year present to myself. The program worked straight from the Download after the very quick install, the Web Cam woke up and my iMac found the software. Once X-Plane 10 had started and was in position on the ramp, I had time to adjust a few settings and get used to the slightly alien way of flying. Once I had adjusted the speed and the smoothness and decided how much parallax vision I wanted it was time to play. I used the comma and full stop to move backwards and forwards into the cabin for a look around amazing stuff. Then for my first flight, just a quick circuit but I found it much more immersive to use TrackerXP being able to look right and left without using the keys our joystick was great. Looking for the threshold as you turn onto finals was so much easier. ATCMikeR
You accomplished what I was certain couldn't be done - namely to bring this add-on to a level of functionality that would have me choosing it all of the time, for both of my X-Plane systems, and packaging up my TrackIR gear. I can't say that I will miss the clip on my cap either. Bottom line sir. The $20 TrackerXP has just replaced my $150 TrackIR 5. I'm off to eBay now to sell it off. Thanks for a great product and for diligently and methodically labouring to bring this to the refined state that TrackerXP now represents. Cheers, Joel
Thanks Bob, TrackerXP is now fantastic and so versatile and natural to use (with a little tinkering on the excellent range of settings). I'll echo Joel in the sense that a trackIR is now off my wishlist! Even works really nicely with helicopters. This has got to be an essential must have plugin! Jez
"Thank You" for making this plugin. I am new to XP and ran across TrackerXP while searching for some aircraft to fly. I got the demo and messed around with it for a bit. My expectation was that it wouldn't work on my setup; I was wrong. I've never had much use for 3D cockpits until I see the light. I vowed to purchase the plugin soon, and lo and behold I saw that it is on sale for $16! SOLD! Thanks for providing such great value, TK
I'm Andrea from Italy, a new user of Tracker XP v3 (former user of FaceTrackNoIr). Last week I tried the software, here’s my quick review:
- Great Customer Service. I've always got fast answers from Bob about my installation issues.
- Software more reliable than FaceTrackNoIR.
- Easy to use, smooth, only a few simple adjustments and it already works.
For me it's absolutely worth buying! Andrea
The Demo runs for 15 minutes and quietly exits to X-Plane's 3D Forward view. The Demo can be rerun as often as you wish! ??Purchase includes free updates for the life of the product.
Excellent Customer Support: