The RV10 is a four seat, single engine, low wing home-built airplane. The designer was focused on a touring aircraft with good stability and payload. The aircraft may be powered by a 210 to 260hp engine, being the Lycoming IO-540 the most frequent choice for home builders. The aircraft is constructed of aluminum with the cabin structure and gull-winged doors made from composite materials. The landing gear is tubular steel with the nose-wheel mounting tube welded to the engine mount. As in all nose-wheel equipped RV aircraft, the nose-wheel is free castering and the aircraft is steered with differential braking.
This X-Plane aircraft is as detailed as it gets, yet at a very affordable cost.
Different Cockpit configuration from steam gauges to glass cockpit:
- G5 PFD and HSI with GFC600 Digital Autopilot with GNS430 and GNS430
- ESP (Electronic Stability and Protection System)
- LVL (Return to level) Mode
- Auto trim
- Different speed and altitude units options
- CWS (Control wheel steering) mode
- GA (Go Around) mode.
- AP disconnect button
- Flight Director
- Yaw Damper
- Pitch and Roll hold mode
- Heading Mode
- NAV Mode with Radio-navigation or GPS inputs
- Approach Mode
- Back Course Mode
- Indicated Airspeed Reference Mode
- Altitude Hold Mode
- Working Battery behavior for the G5 HSI and PFD
KC150 Autopilot with KI256 Flight Command unit, KI525A HSI and KX155 COM/NAV Radios
- Flight Director
- Auto trim
- Altitude Hold mode
- Attitude pith and roll hold mode
- Heading mode
- NAV Mode
- Approach mode
- Back Course mode
Digital engine management unit EDM or analog gauges
- Engine monitor display
- Range/Endurance/Burned Fuel/Miles per Gallon/Etc.
- Lean Find Mode
Throttle quadrant or push-pull engine command options
EDS Digital Controlled oxygen System
- Four distribution stations
- Night/Normal mode
- Delayed mode
- Class-A/Fast Mask mode
- Different display and setting configurations
Working Circuit Breakers panel
Angle of attack indicator with voice warning
Different engine and propeller configurations:
- Lycoming IO540 Fuel Injected 260HP engine
- Lycoming O540 235HP Carbureted Engine
- 3 Blade Composite Propeller
- 3 Blade Aluminum Propeller
- 2 Blade Aluminum Propeller
Each of the option with their own performance and fuel consumption characteristics
Outstanding 3D model
- High 4K PBR textures
- Librain rain effect by skiselkov
- 5 liveries and one white canvas livery for custom creations
- 3D cockpit light for the interior and the exterior
- Custom instruments and surface vibrations
- Particles Effects
Three dimensional Sound
- Fmod sound engine
- All Custom Sounds
- Sound level and frequencies are modified by headset removal or doors configurations.
Custom Menus and Popups
- Aircraft Configuration
- Load Chart with CG envelope, fuel and passengers configurations
- Checklist
- GFC600 Autopilot Popup
- EDM Popup
- Updater Popup
Built-in Updater