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McDonnell Douglas
VSKYLABS C-47 Skytrain
VSKYLABS C-47 Skytrain
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Version History
The Douglas DC-3/C-47 is a fixed-wing propeller-driven airliner. Its great performance - range of approximately 1500 miles and speed of above 200 Miles per Hour, revolutionized air transportation in the 1930's and 1940's. It is a twin-engine all-metal monoplane, capable of operating from short runways at remote places.
It was able to cross the United States, and made transcontinental flights and worldwide flights possible. These characteristics of the DC-3/C-47 are very fascinating, and were one of the triggers to come up with the idea of creating the VSKYLABS C-47 Skytrain FLP (Flying Lab Project) for X-Plane.\
Project's Highlights:
Project is 'VR Ready' for use with X-Plane: VR functionality is a part of the project aspects which are constantly under evaluation and development for reaching a higher level of immersion as the VR features and possibilities are growing.
Highly Realistic Handling and Flight Performance DC-3/C-47 Simulation: Highly accurate performance and handling simulation of the DC-3/C-47, along with a full set of traditional/old school navigation and autopilot systems. Aircraft performance and handling qualities were designed and tested in a "Research level" approach and went through a validation process of hundreds of flight testing and evaluation, tested and refined by a real-world C-47 pilot.
Workhorse for DC-3/C-47 pilot skills: Experience authentic flight performance and handling practices (takeoff, landing, single engine operations, flight planning, long range flights and old school navigation). It is a perfect platform to recreate and fly historic routes using authentic performance.
Unique look and feel: There is nothing to hide - the VSKYLABS DC-3/C-47 is a mixture of a simplified yet very engaging design.
Two C-47 variants included: The C-47 and the XC-47C floats-equipped variants.
Systems: All the relevant systems are being simulated. Here are **some** of the more unique systems:
Two speed Supercharger blowers - based on the PW-1830-90C engines model, equipped with lo/hi blowers. The high blower configuration allows high altitude cruise.
Oxygen system - including crew dilution/regulator, pressure indicator and functional flow-indicator ("Blinker"). Do not forget to enable hypoxia in X-Plane's general settings menu.
Fire Extinguisher system - including fire indication system. The fire extinguisher control panel is located behind the hinged cover on the cockpit floor, between the pilot/co-pilot seats.
Damage simulation - engines are sensitive to rapid spool-up. Engine mishandling will result in severe damage to the engine/engine fire. Stressing the airframe will result also in severe damage, following a visual representation of the damages. Blown tires are also being visualized and simulated.
Engines/propeller systems - designed with fully featured, functioning and authentic propeller feathering systems, for highly realistic single engine simulation.
Landing gears and flaps simulation - are being simulated with a high level of authenticity.
Sperry Autopilot - Old school autopilot is configured.
Optional modern avionics - dual GNS 530, S-TEC autopilot, AviTab compatibility.
Anti-Icing/De-Ice systems - including icing and rain visualization.
Skis - Animated, incorporated in the flight dynamics model.
Passengers/cargo configurations.
Comprehensive FMOD sounds.
AviTab plugin compatibility included (AviTab plugin not included).
Highly responsive VSKYLABS support system (including C-47/DC-3 operational knowledge and support/assistance).
Skunkcraft updater included.
X-Plane 12 Screenshots
X-Plane 11 Screenshots
X-Plane 12 or X-Plane 11
Windows, Mac or Linux
4 GB VRAM Minimum - 8 GB+ VRAM Recommended
Current version: 6.02 (September 14th 2023) v6
by Stephen Dutton
(version 4.0)
VSKYLABS Aerospace Simulations.
VSKYLABS DC-3/C-47 Flying Lab Project Support Forums
XP12 - v6.0b2 (14th September 2023):
Major Update Release:
Flight Dynamics and Systems:
New mixtures, carburetor system algorithm:
Mixture control is now fully differential, and fully automatic, replicating the actual C-47 mixtures and carburetor operations. Mixture levers have detents (steps) for 'cutoff', 'auto-lean', 'auto-rich', emergency. All auto-modes are fully automatic. For more information refer to the included manual.
New fuel system:
The VSKYLABS fuel system in v6.0b2 allows to feed each engine from any of the four tanks, directly (identical to real-world C-47 operation). (known issue - due to a system architecture restriction in the VSKYLABS C-47 v6.0, when feeding each engine
from the Aux tanks
(from the same side or opposite sides), the Aux tank with the higher remaining fuel quantity
will feed both engines
, until both Aux tanks are equal. Then, both tanks will feed both engines.The fuel system is under development and this ‘feature’ will be fixed in future updates.
Carburetor heat system
- levers are not being operated internally via sliders (for more information refer to the included manual).
Vacuum system
- vacuum system re-wired. On-board DG are now vacuum-powered.
DG sync
- Manual sync is now possible with the use of the sync-knob.
Bug fixes:
Fuel level indicator is now equipped with a shifting-plate, showing the designated tank in each mode.
Fuel level indicator needle 3-d and animation changed to provide better reading, more accurate.
Pitch trim wheel re-modeled, re-textured.
Carburetor heat levers now showing 'L' / 'R' for better interaction.
Various PBR fixes all-around in the cockpit.
Manual/POH update:
Rev 007
Version 5.1
(November 23rd 2022)
Added the Skunkcraft Updater
Version XP12
(September 5th 2022)
Added link for X-Plane 12 version
Version v4.0r1
(1st October 2021)
New and improved FMOD Sound pack:
New multi-layer engine sounds for the interiors and exteriors.
New aural indication system recordings for the mixtures, autopilot and tail-wheel.
Updated and tuned FMOD package.
Cockpit - Overhead panels and ceiling:
Overhead panels switches - Remodeled (NEW) with new PBR textures.
Overhead panels - Remodeled radios-stack, radios, added PBR texturing and covering glass.
Overhead panels - Remodeled speakers, re-arranged inside cockpit ceiling.
Cockpit ceiling - Escape hatch door remodeled, now includes an up-facing window.
Ignition panel - Added Master Ignition switch (operational).
Cockpit - Pedestal panel:
Pedestal panel - Remodeled (quadrant and lower panel).
Pedestal panel - Remodeled rotary switches and placards.
Pedestal panel - Added real-time conversion board for airspeed (mph/knots/kmh), temperatures and altimeter settings.
Cockpit - Main panel:
Main panel - Remodeled and re-engineered the entire instrument gauges, to include plastic covering for lighting, refined needles and engine markings (L/R) on relevant instruments, all gauges animations were re-calibrated with higher precision indications.
New, remodeled folding 2 x GNS 530 devices.
Main panel - Added airspeed indicator in knots (toggle by interacting with the airspeed indicator glass).
Main panel - Re-tuned airspeed limitation markers.
Main Panel - Added copilot Artificial Horizon instrument gauge.
Main panel - Remodeled switched and rotary knobs.
Main panel - Remodeled and rearranged of the warning light panel (light bulbs, switches, placards).
Main panel - Warning light panel now includes authentic indication for landing gear / landing gear handle status.
Main panel - Warning light panel now includes operational 'door open' warning light.
Main panel - Warning light panel now includes a functional BRT/DIM switch.
Main panel - Added functional alternate pitot static valve switch and placard.
Main panel - Placards - Added stall speeds placard.
Main panel - Placards - Added MAX. Power limitations placard.
Main panel - Placards - Added MAX. speeds placard.
Main panel - Placards - Added advisory placard (on top of the pedestal).
Main panel - Sperry autopilot - remodeled (including compass scales, rotary knobs, bezels).
Main panel - Sperry autopilot cutout was added, to host Sperry inside.
Re-modeled control yokes (wheels).
All Panels - New night textures.
Cockpit - Hydraulic panel and floor:
Hydraulics panel - Re-modeled and replaced entire Hydraulics panel placards.
Hydraulic panel - Re-modeled Engine-Pump-Selector (non-functional).
Hydraulic panel - Added Autopilot Emergency valve (functional).
Hydraulic panel - Added star valve (non-functional).
Hydraulic panel - Remodeled and re-engineered / animated Landing gear handle to include all 3 positions (UP, NEUTRAL, DOWN). Handle operation is customized to reflect real-world operation practice.
Hydraulic panel - Remodeled and re-engineered / animated Flaps handle to include all 3 positions (UP, NEUTRAL, DOWN). Handle operation is customized to reflect real-world operation practice.
Cockpit Floor - Landing gear Safety Latch is now functional and integrated into the landing gear system.
Cockpit Floor - Textures / PBR setup refined to include additional details.
Cockpit - General:
Pilot, copilot seats re-textured with new PBR hi-res textures.
Old server-stack, located on the RH side of the cockpit corridor, behind the co-pilot seat was removed. Brushed aluminum walls were mounted instead.
Upgraded front and upper panels, cockpit padding. All now featuring new hi-res PBR textures.
Aviation flashlight (pilot side) - improved, new PBR setup.
General Features:
Added built-in AviTab compatibility, with Two sets of AviTab tablets (pilot, copilot), and two sets of tablet cases for quick interaction.
New system: Two functional Inverters were added.
New system: Ignition Master Switch (mounted on the ignition panel).
New system: New Gears up aural warning (authentic for the C-47).
New system: Landing gears pressure gauge is now wired to the landing gears system. When retracting the landing gears, it will drop to zero ("0") once the gears are up. Then, the landing gears may be set to NEUTRAL, like it's done in the real aircraft. When lowing the landing gears, pressure will build up and will be indicated.
Upgraded system: Landing gears system now features two-levers: safety latch and gears handle. When safety latch is locked (down), gears handle cannot be placed in the upper position. Landing gears lever has 3 positions: up, down and neutral. In neutral mode the pressure is locked, preserving the current landing gears position state. Warning light panel indicates gears and handle status accordingly.
Upgraded system: Warning lights panel is now wired to doors, landing gears indications and handle.
Upgraded system: Flaps system now features a fully functional 3-position lever with up, down and neutral position. When in the neutral position, pressure is locked and the flaps will remain in the current deployment state.
Added tail-nav light bulb in tail-cone.
Autopilot tuneup including S-TEC modes refinement to work with the Sperry with reduced wandering in the roll axis.
Autopilot - added heading-sync push button option along with DG alignment to the magnetic north.
Vacuum system - Refined vacuum system characteristics.
Doors - will get closed automatically above 20 KIAS.
Propeller feathering system remake - now the feather push-handles will pop-out once the propeller feathering process is done. Un-feathering and terminating the feathering process is now possible as it works in the real C-47 (push to un-feather in case that the propeller is fully feathered).
Propeller mode tune-up (pitch rate of change)
Flight Dynamics:
Re-tuned control surfaces throws and phasing.
Re-tuned CL behavior with flaps deployment.
Validated flight envelope.
General interactions:
Added blown-tires visualization.
Reward Points
32.96 points will be rewarded to you when you buy this item.
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