High Definition realization of Testor's 80's F-19 Stealth Fighter concept aircraft.
The development of the VSKYLABS F-19 for X-Plane flight simulator was approved by Testors/ITALERI S.p.A. However, it is an independent VSKYLABS development effort which is not endorsed and/or affiliated with/by Testors/ITALERI S.p.A.
The VSKYLABS 'Test-Pilot': F-19 Stealth Fighter Project is an Educational/Research based development effort that "brings to life" and realizes the hypothetical 80's Testor's F-19 concept in the most advanced flight simulation environment up to date: X-Plane 12 by Laminar Research.
The simulated VSKYLABS F-19 it is not an 'arcade' aircraft...nor a 'generic jet fighter' that only looks like the F-19 externally; Extensive, professional real-world experience and knowledge of jet-fighters design, systems, performance, handling and operation were involved in the making of the VSKYLABS F-19. The result uncovers a scientific, graceful, powerful aircraft that holds a few weaknesses as well...just like any other *real* jet fighter, what makes flying a true-to-life and fascinating experience, especially when exploring the flight envelope and its performance characteristics.
From a *Realism* perspective, flying the VSKYLABS 'Test-Pilot': F-19 in X-Plane 12 (including systems operations, various weight and payload configurations, takeoffs, landings, handling throughout the altitude, speed and maneuverability range) will contribute to one's real-pilot-skills and knowledge base. It is NOT an arcade aircraft simulation.
VSKYLABS F-19 Stealth Fighter Specifications:
Country of Origin: USA.
Type: Single-seat shipboard and shore-based strike stealth aircraft.
Power Plant: Two 11,000 lb st dry and 17,700 lbs st afterburner General Electric F404-GE-100A turbofans.
Dimensions: Span, 31 ft 5.4 in; length, 62 ft 3 in; height, 12 ft, 10 in.
Performance: (F404-GE-100A) Max speed 750 mph, or Mach 0.99 at sea level ; 655 mph, or Mach 0.99 at 38,000 feet; Max speed Mach 1.2; Service ceiling, 53,000 ft; ferry range (with full internal fuel load, cruise at 28,000 ft, Mach 0.85), 1400 miles. Combat radius (air-to-ground low altitude mission), 550 miles (non-afterburner).
Weights: Operational empty, 24,000 lbs; Maximum internal fuel, 14,000 lbs; Max takeoff, 41,300 lbs.
Armament: Three internal weapon bays designed specifically to carry two AIM-9X Sidewinder AAMs and a single AGM-158A JASSM low observable standoff air-launched cruise missile. Overall weapon bays carry-weight, 190 lbs*2 + 2150 lbs (max 2600 lbs.).
- VSKYLABS 'Cockpit-Builders Heaven Layer': Allows assigning all aircraft switches, knobs, levers, and interactions in a designated, uncluttered section in the X-Plane 12 assignment screen.
- Advanced concept aircraft simulation, including detailed, fully functional 3-d cockpit environment with realistic, working systems.
- Extensive, professional real-world experience and knowledge of jet-fighters design, systems, performance, handling and operation were involved in the making of the VSKYLABS F-19.
- Designed for X-Plane 12 cutting edge flight model environment and presents superb flight dynamics with presumably authentic performance and flight handling characteristics for the hypothetical F-19 aircraft.
- Developed for VR: Development was tailored specifically for VR, and optimized for 2D usage.
- Engineered and designed as a genuine, default X-Plane 12 aircraft. The VSKYLABS projects are practically show-casing X-Plane, as they are stretching X-Plane default features, systems and flight model to its limits without any dependencies on complementary plugins or software...delivering a very robust simulation model, having maximum compatibility with the ever evolving X-Plane flight simulator.
- Comprehensive FMOD sounds for 'As Real As It Gets' experience!
- Perfect challenge for beginner and expert pilots: Provides a very wide flight envelope with comfortable control from ~140 knots to Mach 1.1.
- Autoupdater based on the Skunkcrafts autoupdater - all updates are being pushed smoothly without the need to re-download the entire base package (base package will be updated every once in a while to minimize the gap).
- Highly responsive VSKYLABS support forums: VSKYLABS offers continuous professional support, from all aircraft related aspects (operating and flying) to X-Plane technical support.
- The project is under constant maintenance and development.