X-Plane 12 or X-Plane 11
Windows, Mac or Linux
4 GB VRAM minimim. 8 GB+ VRAM Recommended
Current version: 4.1 (November 23rd 2022)
Designed by VskyLabs
For support on the VSkyLabs LongEZ, please use the Support Forum
Version 4.1 (November 23rd 2022)
- Added the Skunkcraft Updater
Version XP12 (September 5th 2022)
- Added link for the X-Plane 12 version
Version 3.0 (September 15th 2020)
Update v3.0 is a *MAJOR UPDATE RELEASE*:
- Additional variant was added to the package: A dual 7" G1000 glass cockpit LongEZ.
- Flight Dynamics: Fine tuning and final adaptation to the latest X-Plane's Experimental flight model.
- Aerodynamic Rudder-Brakes mod was implemented into the flight model.
- New Look and Feel: Extensive remodeling, re-texturing, re-mapping and enhancement of the entire project and its visual assets.
- Enhanced FMOD sound pack: To include high quality sound engineering and interactions from engine vibrations, high Angle of Attack buffeting and overall experience.
- VR interactivity tuneups.
Version 2.0 (March 31st 2020)
Flight Dynamics:
- Extensive flight dynamics tuneup for the Aeromatic propeller simulation.
- Performance and handling characteristics tuneup.
- External luggage pods are now affecting overall drag when placed/removed.
- External luggage pods may placed empty, or being loaded via the weight and balance setup. Weight and drag are differential, meaning that the pods may be installed while empty. This will add their drag to the overall drag without relation to their weight.
- Nosewheel castor limit was set to 65 degrees.
3D modeling improvements:
- Cockpit front panel remodeled with flushed-gauges and improved appearance.
- Old Bendix Transponder replaced with new custom GTX 330.
- Old GNS530 Remodeled and replaced with a new one.
- Interior composite structure remodeled, re-textured with higher resolution.
- Interior canopy element repainted.
- Aux Fuel Pump light bulb was replaced with a new one (3D modeled, LIT).
- Passenger is now visible from 1st person pilot view (can be removed by reducing it's weight via the payload setup).
- Pilot hands are on the controls, animated (visible from external view only).
Systems, operation and interactions:
- Vertical Speed Indicator was re-calibrated.
- External luggage pods interaction is now different: Pods are visible by default, and by that are affecting drag. To remove/install them, simply click on the upper wing area in front of the fuel tank caps, or, assign Custom Slider#11 in X-Plane's assignments setup.
- New instrument gauges lighting for night-flying capability.
- Fuel tank selector is now switched to 'OFF' in cold and dark start.
Weight and balance:
- The aircraft is now being loaded with two persons on board, and empty wing pods. to change these before flight, simply set the aircraft payload in X-Plane menu.
General stuff:
- The Red/White N79RA livery is now the default one. The Plain White paint was added as a separate livery.
Version 1.6 (November 11th 2019)
- Flight dynamics:
- Updated to X-Plane 11.40+ Experimental flight model.
Version 1.5 (October 19th 2019)
- STMA Autoupdater plugin was added
Version 1.4 (26th November 2018)
- Luggage pods are now removed, and will be added and visible only when the payload is set to exceed ~360 pounds (to include pilot/pilots and luggage), in the weight and balance settings in X-Plane.
- Engine power tuneups.
- High Angle of Attack handling tuneups.
- 3D modeling refinements.
Version 1.3 (Nov 2nd 2018)
- fix to joystick throttle command issues.
Version v1.2a (30th July 2018)
Flight Dynamic Model fix for engine exhaust point.
Version 1.2 (May 4th 2018)
Minor fix update:
Nose gear horn refinements and additional 100 knots IAS threshold limit.
Turn and slip indicator adjustment.
Magnetic compass - a fixed index needle was added.
Aircraft category fixed to 'Experimental' only.
Version 1.1 (May 10th 2018)
3D Modeling - general:
- Cockpit floor workaround (modeling and texture).
- Rudder pedals installation.
- Animated canopy strut.
FMOD Sounds:
- Installation of the canopy-unlocked buzzer (warning when canopy is unlocked and throttle up to 90%).
- Touchdown sounds refinement and enhancement.
- Landing gears ride vibration effect.
- Additional livery included.
Virtual Reality:
- Refinements of some of the clickable visible green areas for more aesthetic appearance.
- Initial release
Reward Points
29 points will be rewarded to you when you buy this item.