Added thousands of new clips
Improved support for window positioning with multi-monitor configurations
Fixed a bug where loading airports was not following directory links in scenery_packs.ini
Fixed warnings about new X-Plane 12 weather datarefs
Added vector and decent hints to the Pilot Transmission window
Added auto select option for auto selecting Regions and Countries
Added support for detecting when clip updates have been posted
Switched clip updates to use HTTP protocol instead of FTP
Added traffic alerts
Added option route deviation
Added ability to request a diversion
Added ability for user to verbalize pilot transmission instead of using text to speech engine
Add support for Amazon Polly voices on OSX and Linux
Added option to issue vectors and the termination fix on a star
Added greetings and salutations
Added SIDS, STARS, and Approaches
Added support for vectors when in contact with the tower
Added a Simple ATC Feature
Integration to 124th ATC
Added a check for clip updates feature
New UI
Added filtering by country and ICAO code
Additional Clips
Signed OSX Binaries
Miscellaneous bug fixes