“Pilotage & Dead Reckoning” is the first in a series of Navigation e-books aimed at teaching the novice (and not so novice) X-Plane pilot about navigation in X-Plane.
X-Plane is a serious tool for learning how to fly correctly. It is extraordinary just how realistic X-Plane 12 is. It is so accurate that we can use it as a tool to learn and practice proper real navigation.
This book focuses on the first type of navigation that every pilot must master - Pilotage and Dead Reckoning. You might wonder, in the age of GPS, why bother? The answer is simple: these are fundamental skills that every pilot must possess. If your GPS and radios fail, these skills are your lifeline to prevent getting lost.
To use this book, you only need X-Plane 12 and a free Flight Planner/Moving map application. I recommend using Little Navmap for this purpose. There's no need for extra scenery or add-ons, although you're free to enhance your X-Plane experience as you please – it won’t affect your tutorial. The demonstration flight in this book uses the Cessna C172s, but any light aircraft with “Steam” gauges will work just fine.
The book starts with an overview of Pilotage and Dead Reckoning. Then we proceed to the setting up of Little Navmap to work with X-Plane. Next, I cover MAGNETIC and TRUE bearings in detail.The remainder of the book consists of a flight with eight legs, and in each leg, we will learn a new aspect of navigation. Each leg is illustrated with copious screenshots. To master Dead Reckoning, you will need a basic understanding of school geometry and trigonometry, but it's very basic, and I will guide you through the calculations step by step.
Once you have completed the flight, you will definitely have a good grasp of Pilotage and Dead Reckoning, particularly the effect of the winds on navigation.
The PDF book has 177 pages (88 Double spreads):
You need only purchase this book once - all future updates are free - simply re-download it from your store account when I publish an update.