Version 2.6.0 (September 20th 2023)
Support for AutoOrtho (V0.5.1-3, V0.6.0 and V0.6.1)
Version 2.5.2 (April 6th, 2023)
Fix: xOrganizer cannot find X-Plane (xroads problem)
Version 2.5.1 (April 6th, 2023)
Locking the order better supported with warning label and folder lock icon
Updated manual (almost completely rewritten)
Small updates, improvements and fixes
Version 2.5.0 (October 14th, 2022)
New refined method of disabling aircraft with the Skunkscrafts updater
New aircraft overview: aircraft with and without Skunkcrafts updater
New list of libraries (un)used by scanned scenery packages
Extra zoom level added to the offline map
Scaling of the application fixed and improved (Windows Update broke the code related to scaling)
Upgrade to .NET 4.7
Small improvements and a few bug fixes
Update of the internal database and scenery rules
Version 2.4. (February 18th 2022)
Small improvements and a few bug fixes
Update of the internal database and scenery rules
Version 2.4.0 (January 11th, 2021)
At startup a scan on duplicate airports for new found airport packages is performed
New function to kill the X-Plane process if needed
Better support for Orbx scenery
More focus on keeping packages with multiple folders together
Advice on missing libraries improved
Small fixes and improvements
Version 2.3.0 (August 8th, 2020)
Now 64bit with parallel processing (again 3x faster)
New look
Aircraft versions added
Several small new functions, changes and fixes
Version 2.2.3 (May 9th, 2020)
Much faster scenery scan: on average 3x faster
This also fixes the problem a few users had in version 2.2.2
Version 2.2.2 (May 1st, 2020)
Aircraft profiles added
SkunkCrafts config file also disabled when an aircraft is disabled
New function to search a list of airports (see manual)
New function to display all installed library identifiers
Labels added on airports map
Country and other extra data added for airports
Backup of the X-Plane log is made every time XO starts
Option added to hide the scenery and plugin versions tab
Support for zipped (7z) dsf files added
LOWI and KSEA readded to the XO database
Version 2.2.1 (December 19th, 2019)
Important bug fix and small improvements
Version 2.2.0 (December 16th 2019)
New plugins/scripts module with support for XACARS (rebuild)
New aircraft module
Versions tab for plugins/scripts
Versions tab for scenery also supports links to updaters
Show winterized orthos and scenery packages with season support
Option to rescan only 1 scenery packages added
Several small fixes and improvements
Version 2.1.2 (September 29th 2019)
Better support for (changed) shortcuts
Small improvement of scenery scan
Fix: Windows zoom (>250%) and subfolder dragged on its own parent
Version 2.1.1 (August 31st 2019)
Small improvements of scenery and library scans
Fix: patch of database + other small bug fixes
Version 2.10 (August 24th 2019)
Scan for missing libraries
Summary of scenery package with scan results and tiles and airports projected on a map
Country detected for photo scenery packages
Country detected for almost all airports
The order of the scenery packages can be set (disable alphabetical order)
Subfolders (2nd level) can be moved to another folder (1st level)
Setting to place parts of scenery packages together automatically
Scenery rules editable with separate function
Overviews to get insight in the outcome of the xOrganizer scans
Automatic scaling based on Windows setting (NB: switch off High DPI override in Windows!)
Manual scaling possible from 80% to 250%
Added airport markers to scenery coverage map (tiles and markers shown)
Check on the installation of Prefab packages
Close without saving added
Restore backup of database added
User interface improved
Option added: disable question refresh X-Plane preferences when starting
Option added: disable check on X-Plane running
Option added: disable check on xOrganizer running
Change: Prefab subfolder above Global Airports + manual order enabled
Fix: critical error when closing using the dark mode
Version 2.0.7 (June 13th 2019)
New: compatibility with high dpi scaling (bigger Windows font)
Option added: remember maximized window
Option added: remember modes used in Select with map
Fix: error resolution too low
Change: better layout on smaller displays
Version 2.0.6 (June 5th 2019)
New: select scenery on map: manual or with flight plan (fms)
New: dark maps and improved icons for the dark skin
New: F8 to reset screen position
Option added: suppress warning that X-Plane is running (replaces halt on errors option)
Fix: drag and select on maps now with left mouse button
Fix: xOrganizer no longer catches function keys when not active
Fix: check on X-Plane running with automatic skip of certain scans
Fix: check on xOrganizer already running
Fix: improved checking and saving of the window position
Fix: other small fixes
Version (April 27th 2019)
New: dark skin for UI + extra contrast option (yellow on black)
New: option to set font to small, default and large
New: size and position of application window is saved and restored at startup
New: option added to place shortcut on desktop: quick start X-Plane with selected profiles
New: scenery where GroundTraffic, AutoGate and SAM can be viewed on a map
New: removed scenery can be kept in the database so it will be automatically restored to the same position when added again
Option added to ignore errors in execution of tasks (for testing scripts while XP is running)
Option added to enable/disable autozoom of maps
Option added to center map while zooming with mousewheel
Fix problem with Custom Scenery folder in Custom Scenery folder (double name)
Fix for quote (‘) in name of plugin or script
Change: recent installed scenery now based on the date the package is first scanned (and not on the file system date)
Change: packages with errors, like duplicate dsf files, are no longer skipped in Coverage tab (but the errors and duplicates are logged)
Change: small improvement in error handling and logging