The P2002 Sierra (JF mean the certified version) is a two-seater side by side, low wing aircraft. The P2002 features superlative performance and flying qualities, now confirmed by hundreds of P2002 sold throughout the world and validated in 15 countries other than Europe. The ease of piloting and maintenance make this aircraft an excellent solution for training in flight schools. It is also an ideal platform for surveillance and as well as, of course, for pure recreational and private use.
This package includes both the new XP12 and XP11 (current) versions
X-Plane 12 version features:
Accurate flightmodel of a P2002 JF
Fixed prop - 100hp
Graphics & Visuals
Ported from AC3D to Blender, improved exterior compared to XP11 version and totally rebuilt panel instruments to keep up with new specs.
Detailed 3D cockpit and exterior with animations, manipulators and PBR textures.
Cockpit & Panel
Garmin GNS 530, S-TEC basic autopilot, customizable KNOTS or KMH anemometer, as well as propeller or engine RPM.
A complete preflight/walkaround is possible
"remove before flight" covers, chocks and ropes
openable fuel caps for visual inspection of the fuel level
openable engine bay
oil check procedure with the characteristic Rotax "burp"
fuel check from bleed valves
openable battery bay
working stall switch on the leading edge
5 liveries plus a white one for custom painting (same layout and UV map of the XP11 version to maintain retro compatibility).
Visual payload and fairings
Passenger model and baggage (vary depending on stations payload) as well as removable wheel fairings.
Dynamic load sheet
A reproduction of a common load sheet is in the right cockpit pocket for educational purpose. It change depending from Weight & Balance settings.
Engine stuff
Openable engine doors as well as battery compartment for inspection. Oil level inspection with Rotax characteristic "burp" procedure.
Checklist, extras and POH
XP12 native windshield effects (rain and ice), featuring custom fmod sounds.
Checklist.txt and original POH included.
Ready for VR (Virtual Reality).
More pictures here